Letter: 5

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I shouldn't have told you all of this.

I shouldn't have told you so much about myself.

You know me more than I know myself already.

I know something about you too.

Something which others may have pointed out to you.

You are curious and stubborn.

'How?' You ask probably

Let me tell you.

You were curious enough to pick the coin from the ground, where else others would have (and have) ignored it.

And you were stubborn enough to keep that thing (the coin, not me) inside your drawer in the safety of your stationery.

I would have thrown that piece of metal out the next morning if I were you.

Doesn't it creep you out that you keep getting letters from someone you don't know every morning on your desk?

You are really brave I have to say that.

That another quality of you that I know.

So now we both know each other quite alot. 

You know I am alone, nothing and not your stalker.

And I know that you are curious, stubborn and brave.

Feels like we are friends already.  

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