Part 1- A warm welcome

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I frantically pulled the lasagne out of the oven whilst trying to turn the stove off with my foot to prevent my own lunch from burning. Today was the first day at my new apartment.

It was going well. I swear...until I started cooking. It's never been one of my strong points but I wasn't going to let that get me down. Now all I needed to do what make the bloody smoke alarm turn off...

Looking around the kitchen there was a
plethora of boxes I had yet to unpack, but that wasn't my main priority right now. As soon as I arrived at my dodgy apartment on the outskirts of London I made it my mission to make friends. After all, since I recently lost my whole family I desperately needed friends. This is why I'm sweating here, running around like a maniac and cooking as many meals as I can to gift my new neighbours.

Today I would make a friend- with someone...anyone!

I walk to the door down the hall called 2B ( I was 2A) and knock on the door. After a short wait a young man with brown hair opens the door I smile at him to which he returns with a off putting smirk. Immediately a shiver goes down my spine and I knew this is going to be a very short visit at 2B.

"Alright babes" he draws out "you must be new here. Fancy coming in for some fun?"

I forcefully shove the dish of lasagne into his arms and scurry away explaining that I had to run. I hear him laugh as I do so.

"Ha! Names Henry if you change your mind- we could be friends"

Dear god no I did not want to be his "friend", I was in no way that desperate for some human interaction.

I walk to the next door-2C and am greeted by a middle aged lady sporting some purple dyed hair with the roots showing.

"Hi miss, I've just moved in here from 2A and thought I'd introduce myself along with this lasagne" to which she gladly accepts and welcomes me into her apartment. She leads me into a kitchen much like mine and rests her hands on the table. Her eyes lock with mine as she observes me.

"I'll give you £200 for 7 grams." She tells me.

"I'm sorry, I'm not quite following?"

"£200 for 7 grams" she repeats again slowly, causing me to cock my head to the side. "It's all good shit I promise lil'lady, plus I gave you a good deal as ya new"

Grasping what she was offering I quickly spoke up "no no, umm...I'm not here to buy any drugs. Simply just saying hello."

"Your not here to get some goods?"

I shake my head wondering who the hell my neighbours are- a drug dealer and a creepy pervert.

"Then get the hell out of ma apartment lil' lady" she spits as she bangs her hands on the table. "N don't you dare start chatting this shit to the cops or I'll have ya lights out before you can unpack all your boxes"

I quickly grab the last dish of lasagne and run out of her apartment. My neighbours are actually crazy. How on earth did I find this place.

Last chance I say to myself as I reach the last door on my level- 2D.

I lightly tap on the door this time, not having quite the same excitement as I did when I first started this.

"For fucks sake Jo I don't want any of your 'good shit' how many- oh. Sorry" the voice grumbles. I look up to see an old man in his blue night robe opening the door. It was 2 pm- was he seriously not dressed yet?
"Hi, I'm Evelyn. I've just arrived at-" the door was suddenly closing on me.
"I'm not interested in what you've got to sell. Don't an old man ever get a break from all you sales people?"

"No no sir" I shove my foot to stop the door from entirely closing. " I'm from 2A, I moved in today and came to give you this lasagne"

"Well, I'm sorry to say but I'm much more of a tomato soup man. Thank you for the offer but I don't want your cheesy pasta" And with that my foot is forcefully pushed away and the door closes. He seems lovely. I roll my eyes. I think over the choice of  neighbors I have- druggy- no. Pervert- hell no.

Grumpy old fart it is then.

Thank you for reading ! Second chapter should be up in a few days! Please vote and comment your opinions ♥️ (harry will be introduced a little later once the scene is set)

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