Part 2- Second time lucky

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Putting the rejected lasagne in the microwave I begin to re heat it. I slowly start to think over my whole idea of moving away from home at 18 and wonder if it was a mistake. No, this is not a mistake. You couldn't stay there any longer. Here is better for you. Just get a job and make a friend and that is all you'll ever need. You don't need them.

I think back to their pained faces at the hospital waiting outside my sisters door. All frowning with their heads in their hands trying to ease some of the stress. I know they think I'm a reckless teenage driver and I know that they blame me for her still lying in that hospital bed a month later. But what they don't know is that it wasn't completely my fault. She turned the steering wheel. She distracted me. She led us off that bridge.

I shudder at the memory.

I often wondered how she was doing, how they were all doing. My heart clenches thinking of how baby Noah is doing, without his mother. I knew it wouldn't be wise to contact them, they may still be disgusted by the thought or me. They may force me to come back home and watch as her life slowly slips away- all because of me.

No. I wasn't going to risk it. They treated me like sh**t my whole life, I won't ever go back.

I sit down on my cheap skate sofa and watch TV on my laptop. Thinking back to the grumpy old fart I began to make action plans on how make friends with him. I was determined to make a friend here- even if it meant an old aged wrinkly man.

Having debated for 30 seconds over which neighbour would be the best to embark a friendship with, I found my self stirring the tomato soup.

Old man preferred tomato soup? Tomato soup it was then.

"Fuck!" seemed the only word coming out of my mouth every few minuets when the soup sizzled and burnt my skin. I was an awful cook if I'm honest, my mother never taught me anything, too busy with her favourite child. And my father? He was useless when it came to anything. Especially parenting.

I would waste no time in making friends. I knew what shutting yourself into solitude did to the soul and I wouldn't let it happen again.

Once I was finished letting the tomato soup simmer I put it into a tub and left the apartment.

I knocked on the door harder this time, more determined. "Second time lucky" I mumble. The door slowly opens as if he knew it was going to me again.

"Hello sir, sorry to bother-"
"again" he cuts in.
"-yes...again. You see I brought tomato soup this time and I've just moved in on my own and wanted to familiarise myself with the area and make some friends"

His face scrunched up as he says "don't you have some friends your own age? I don't want no trouble, I ain't here to give you any information on anybody so you better scramble"

Information? Does he still think I want to sell something? "No sir-"

"It's Mr Selley."

"Right. Mr Selley, look you see I don't want any information I promise?! I just want to make friends! I have no family here, they won't visit I don't want to be all alone" I feel the tears prick at my eyes and I can't believe I'm trying to guilt trip a grumpy old man into letting me be his friend. I've definitely hit a low one.

"Well my family barely visits me either so don't you go thinking your special-"

"-no! no! Not at all please let's just chat you can tell me about your family or your life just anything to take my mind off of home" I am aware I sound like a desperate child but I've been stuck in my own head for months now and I refuse to stay there.

"I told you I will NOT give you any information about my family. I don't know what kind of sick fan you are to come and track an old grandpa like me down but I will not entertain your ideas anymore!" And with that, the door is shut in my face for the second time.

I adjust the soup in my hands and make my way back to my apartment. Fans? What is he going on about.

Be patient for the good stuff 😍

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