*Part 11- Messy

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||This chapter is starred so it's going to contain smut- I've warned you! ||

So when Harry said 20 minuets did he mean 20 minuets or did he mean 30 minuets because its been quite a while since I got back to my apartment and he's still not here yet so I'm starting to wonder if - I hear five knocks. Thank god. He's finally here!

"I was getting worried you wouldn't-" Again I'm cut of by Harry stumbling through the door towards me "Ooof. Eager much?" I mumble but my words are muffled by his lips placed on mine.

"Miss you" He says as he pulls away.

"You sap. Its been like half an hour... not that I was counting or anything" I shy away at that which causes him smile a toothy grin. His thumb traces my lips before leaning in again to connect ours. The kiss heats up as his hands that were holding my face now begin to roam my waist and back. I felt him push me backwards as we made our way towards the bedroom and I saw him hesitate before pushing me lightly onto the bed. To overcome any hesitation I grabbed his belt and began to undo it making his eyes bulge slightly. There was no way we were backing out now. I pulled down at the waistband of his boxers flinging them to the side of the room whilst having a near heart attack at the size of his length. This was definitely going to end me. He quickly pulls my jumper and shirt over my head throwing it in the same direction as his underwear. His hands hover over my pants but I quickly shut it down, I don't want to waste anytime doing foreplay today. I reach over into my draw of my nightstand to retrieve a condom and toss it to him indicating my intentions. He rips the packet and rolls it onto himself and then proceeds to hover over me and line himself up.He enters quite suddenly, not bothering to go slowly which causes us both to gasp in shock and for his face to transform into one of pure pleasure. I however, had my brows furrowed and my eyes shut tight trying to accustom to his size. This wasn't my first time, but it had been a while. Once he has finally got the whole of himself in he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck giving it a sloppy kiss.

"Fuck" he mutters. Yeah, it had been a really long time. I kept on clenching myself around him to try and adjust which put Harry into further pleasure. My arms grab his biceps encouraging him to go a little faster once I was ready causing his steady thrust to become more choppy and quick. Our moans fill out the room as he carries on, my legs adjusting themselves against his back to get a better angel and damn. he was good. His mouth  presses to mine in the hope of silencing our noises but there is no way I was going to be able to shut up. Either way, the sound of our skin slapping against one another wasn't even subtle. No doubt creepy Henry could hear us.

Our hand intertwined as he sped up again finding a rhythm not even caring about the noise anymore.

"Harry, fuck, Harry!" Is all I could make out as he went deeper and I approached my climax. My mind was becoming blank as I felt the fire begin to rise up within me. My nails rake down his back as I clench around him coming undone still not able to make another other sounds out.

"Im close" He groans as his face contorts and he goes even harder causing my body to slide up on the bed. "Common you can take it" he murmurs plowing in again, as his breathing gets heavier and his moans get louder releasing into the condom


It's early. I know it is from the ache in my bones that is begging me to have more sleep and telling me that I shouldn't be up this early. I know I shouldn't be up this early, I'm never up this early. Why am I up this early?

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