*Part 7- Trouble

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I rush through the door into the foyer of my apartment block to avoid the harsh winds. I pop the buttons on my coat mindlessly whilst listening to Mr Selley's story about his run in with Jo yesterday. It ended up with her screaming profanities at him, to which he was obviously unimpressed at her 'crude' choice of words. I hadn't seen creepy Henry in a while, when ever I do I make a B line in the opposite direction from him to avoid any communication between us two.

Today we were returning from our usual morning walk. Surprisingly we were joined by Harry, unsurprisingly it took him two weeks to actually join us. Nevertheless he was here and he was putting me on edge. I couldn't stop staring at him- god he was hot. My mind was racing wild. We walked up the steps and into 2D, Mr Selley was still complaining about Jo. He starts opening the cupboards trying to find the tea bags for us all. They're on the top shelf- have been and always will be, but I don't have the heart to tell him that they have never been in the cupboards because I don't want to witness his face crumple up in confusion and frustration over his dwindling memory. Harry secretly picks them up from the top shelf and sets them on the table to put Mr Selley out of his misery.

"Oh. Umm, look- they're here." He points towards the box of tea bags.

"Ah! I knew they were around here somewhere, well done my boy." From this me and Harry share pity glances. Harry suddenly speaks up again by awkwardly clearing his throat.

"So um, Grandad. I'm officially going to be able to visit you a lot more regularly now as the bands going on a break for a while". I give him a quick glance, surprised by the news but also annoyed that he mentioned this to Mr Selley as I know he won't be here nearly enough as he needs him to be. It would break my heart to see Mr Selley get his hopes up for nothing, but I have no power over it as I watch Mr Selley cheer and pull Harry in for a bone crushing hug. Harry smiles so wide at his Grandad's reaction to the news but I just stand by the side, still not convinced that I would see Harry more than once a month. If that even.

"So Harry." I speak up, causing him to turn towards me. "Does that mean you'll be doing any solo music?" I give him a hard stare to let him know I'm not quite buying the whole 'I have loads of free time" act.

"Um. Yes. I am - I'm doing some music. Oh! And Grandad you won't believe it" he turns back to Mr Selley with a wide grin on his face. "I'm going to be in a war moving! Acting! How cool will that be"

I raise my eyebrows. "So you'll be on set for a months then" I stare him down. He looks my way with a guilty face but quickly ignores my presence  so he can explain to Mr Selley with what this whole war movie includes. I couldn't believe it. He lied straight to his grandads face. We all know he won't have nearly as much spare time as he made it out to be and in the upcoming months Mr Selley's really going to need all the family he has. His health was really deteriorating and it was seriously scaring me.

I had been staying in the corner for the better part of the hour just waiting for it to be an acceptable time for me to retire to bed. When it reached ten I decided to make my move. I started it off with a yawn.

"Right well I better head off now" See you tomorrow I say whilst nodding to Mr Selley. "And see you soon Harry" unlikely. Harry makes an excuse to leave as well and follows me out of the apartment.

"You've been really quiet" He speaks up just as I was about to turn the corner into my apartment. "Whats wrong?" I sigh heavily knowing that what I'm about to say is probably going to get me into trouble.

"Its just- I just. Ugh" I try and put it politely but there really is no way of doing so. " I just think its really sh**tty how you're getting his hopes up when you know you're going to be spending months shooting and in the studio- not with him. You saw how happy he got, I don't want to see his face when he realises you won't actually be around that much"

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