Part 6-Help

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Didn't know what picture to use so just went with this masterpiece
I lean against the door of my apartment after slamming it shut. My head hits the wood as I breathe deeply. What am I going to do?! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! My breathing gets deeper as I start pacing my apartment. I pull the sleeves of my jumper over my hand and chew on the end of it trying to relieve some stress. My eyes focus on the view out side of my apartment and I watch the rain fall. I see two young boys running round in the rain and I start to wish I was back in my old home when I was younger and didn't have a care in the world. I lean against the window frame searching for the answers that I need in order for this to all go away. I don't want to run anymore, I've done enough of that.

I thought that I was going to be able to get away from everything and do this all on my own. I'm slowly learning that people are going to keep digging into my past until they find the answers that they want. I have two decisions; to tell the truth to them but risk them turning their backs on me like my family did, or to run again and never look back. I pick up the photo of me and my nephew, I just couldn't stop thinking about how they were all doing and how I should have stayed a bit longer to see how everything turned out. I don't think I can live not seeing baby Kai ever again but I don't think I'm ready to face any of them yet either.

I don't even have time to think of how I'm going to shut up grumpy old fart and his pop star grandchild before there is rapid knocking on the door. The knocking gets more and more impatient the longer I just stand and stare at the door.

"Evelyn, please open the door. Come on. I'm Sorry!-I shouldn't have pushed you to answer. I'll stop asking questions!"

It's Harry. His voice seems desperate and honest yet I can't bring myself to believe the words he says.

"Look, please just open up. My old man said I had to come over and apologise. I was invasive and way out of line." Theres a thud on the other side of the door and I assume he rested his head against the door. I let out a puff of air before I make my way over to the door and quickly open the latch. He falls slightly through the door due to leaning  on it.

"Oh. Umm. S-Sorry I didn't actually think you'd open up" He stutters with his words. Oh how the tables have turned.

"Yeah, well I, urrr-" I pick at my nails trying to find the words to say. "I just thought I'd open up and tell you that its fine and that you can go now" I move forwards to shut the door in his face but his foot wedges it shut.

"I'm not done yet" He says. "I want to help my grandad out, you know? But I just don't know how. I need you to help me" He scratches the back of his neck avoiding eye contact almost as if he can predict my next words.

"Well for starters you could maybe visit him more than once every eight months" I watch as his face falls at my words and I almost feel bad for him. Almost. He did this to himself.

He sighs deeply and seems to think over his response for a while. "Look, I ur. I know my lack of contact with him has hurt him. I've just been so busy touring. But now- now I get time off and I promise you I'm going to make it up to him. I will." At this I internally roll my eyes. I'm not usually one to judge character, and maybe it's just because he upset me earlier this evening but I some how couldn't see him turning up at apartment 2D anytime soon.

"Well for starters, you should be taking him out on his morning walks. His hips bust and if he stays in that apartment everyday it's only going to get worse. Maybe you could take him out once a week. I don't know your schedule so just let him know what days you'll be by and i'll take him out on the others."

"Are you sure thats okay with you? I know that he's your only friend here" He points out. Ouch, I wince at that. Gosh I really do come across like such a looser.

"He's your grandad" I point out. "Any he's not my only friend. I have work colleagues." I also point out.

"Oh yeah!- he mentioned you worked at a boutique. Real aspirational!" He jokes around, but I can't help see the truth to his words and how my job is so inferior to his.

"Oi! I needed a job- don't judge. And anyway, I'm also a barrister- that takes real skill" I joke back. I notice that during our conversation I had edged myself closer to him so I shuffle back to maintain a appropriate distance. After all I am still annoyed at him for being so rude earlier. I needed to put an end to this conversation. "Well anyway." I move to close the door. "I guess i'll see you in another eight months yeah?" I chuckle.

"I'll prove you wrong Evelyn. Just you wait"

Sorry that this is kinda a filler chapter but drama will be coming.... 🎉♥️

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