Part 15- Walking with Anne

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Its been two days.

Recently my mornings consist of hearing Harry cry out as he steps on the godforsaken bloody useless truck of a toy" that is always conveniently left in the same place. He then, being the perfect angel that he is, makes us all breakfast (or gross paste for Kai).

I've always loved looking after babies and entertaining them, however, i've never had to do it for this length of time and I was beginning to get exhausted. I didn't know how much longer I could do this, especially as it had just over the weekend and I still needed to work out who was going to look after Kai in between me working and Harry going to the studio nearly everyday. Perhaps Mr Selley would be able to look after him...however he was currently unaware of Kai's presence and I wasn't sure if I was ready to drop that bomb on him. That and I also wasn't convinced that Mr Selley could currently look after himself. Harry mentioned taking a few days off or even bringing Kai to the studio, but I don't think I'm ready to bring Kai into the limelight even more. I don't think it would go down well with the producers that Harry would be sacrificing studio time for his unapproved girlfriends nephew.

We were all currently sat  by the couch, Harry propping Kai up whilst I try to entertain him with building blocks. I can't keep my eyes off Harry, just the way he moves with a baby in his arms is so mesmerising. I could really see us a perfect family one day. But I had to remind myself that Kai wasn't my child and me and Harry were under six months into our relationships.

I get up in response from the constant doorbell ringing and swing open the door to great Gemma and Anne, looking slightly worried and angry.

"You adopted a child?! Are you crazy?" Gemma pushes through the door and head straight for Harry at the same time Anne nearly screams "You weren't going to tell me that I practically now have a grandchild? Gosh look how cute he is." She rambles on.

"Mum we had decided we were going to be angry with them at first and then give in" Gemma says sternly to which Anne makes a small "oh" and looks down.

Both Harry and I are quick to shut them down with "Its not what you think its not ours" and "we're babysitting my nephew". Harry gives me the side eye at my white lie, but in all honestly we are babysitting. Maybe just for slightly longer than the average person would babysit...

"Well in that case pass him to me he's absolutely gorgeous" Anne says practically snatching Kai away from Harry's grasp and cradling in her arms. His tiny head leans to the side and snuggles into her neck causing her to coo and make comforting noises towards him.

"You do realise you've sent the whole internet into complete meltdown!" Gemma scolds, trying to keep her eyes off of Kai. There was no point, Kai is captivating, no one could keep their eyes off of him. "Oh for gods sake mum pass him over its my time already!"

I stay quiet during the whole conversation, not wanting to say something wrong and give my story away. Harry notices my silence and snakes an arm round my waist pulling me in to his side.  "Ladies, ladies calm it. You'll each get your turn" he says laughing.

"So how long are you babysitting him for?" Anne asks whilst bouncing him on her hip.

At the same time a say "a few weeks" harry says "a month or so" causing both of them to cock their heads to the side at our replies. Harry quickly looks to me but realises we don't really have time to discuss our answers. "It's a little unclear" he starts out.

"How unclear?" Anne says with pursed lips, suddenly very dubious.

"We, we don't know exactly" Harry sends me an apologetic look and my heart drops. No. He can't say it. "Her sisters not well so we're just looking after him whilst her sister gets better."

"Oh no what a shame" Anne's face drops, "whats wrong with her?"

By now I've already escaped from Harry's grasp and stormed into the next room. I hear Harry mumble a "not now mum" trying to change the subject as he excuses himself and follows after me.

"Babe" he starts. "I'm sorry, I couldn't exactly not-"

"No Harry, just stop. You didn't have to say that at all. Now she's going to ask questions, wonder why she isn't getting better, wonder what is actually wrong with her. I can't go through this again. Not now" I know my response could be some what irrational but I was starting to panic about everybody finding out my secret.

"She's my mum babe. I can't lie to her. I'll tell her to stop asking questions but I won't lie to her. I hope you understand that"

I purse my lips in response. I did understand him, I just didn't want Anne or Gemma to find out and for them to judge me over it. I don't want to think that their son is dating a monster.

"Please, just don't make me tell them just yet" I beg him. He gives me a small nod and pulls me into him. He leads me back into the main room and I see Gemma finally getting ahold of Kai.

"I was thinking we should go for a walk, I recon this little one would love the fresh air! Whats his name dear?" Anne speaks to me, completely ignoring my little tantrum from five minuets ago and putting on a perfect smile.

"Kai, his name is Kai"

annetwist: where's the sun? 😢♥103,203 likes1039 comments

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annetwist: where's the sun? 😢

harryupdates: where's that baby?!
hazlittlecurl: why is she dressed for summer and he for winter ?

harryupdates: where's that baby?!hazlittlecurl: why is she dressed for summer and he for winter ?

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gemmastyles: I shall name him squishy

Kendollbabe: don't tell me he actually had a baby with that rat...
harrystyles : don't you dare drop him...
|Apologies for not updating in months. The book wasn't getting much attention and I've been getting a lot of deadlines. However I shall push through :) also happy new year 2018!|

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