Part 8- Toothbrush

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I wake up already blushing, it's like my unconscious was mocking me. I also woke up expecting to be wrapped in a pair of warm, tatted arms and laying on a toned chest belonging to a certain someone, however I am utterly disappointed when I wake up alone, in my cold empty bed. I fall back against the mattress with a small 'oomph' very confused at the whole ordeal. He surely can't just leave can he? That would just make this situation ten times more awkward. Maybe he just thought that it would be easier to pretend that nothing ever happened. That after we left apartment 2D we just went our separate ways and went home.

My brain is cut short of over analysing every possible option when I hear some noise in the kitchen. He stayed!  I rush into the bathroom to check my appearance taking in my matted hair and smeared makeup that I forgot to take off in the heat of the moment last night. I get into the shower, harry can wait 10 more minuets can't he? And I try to sort out the birds nest on top of my head. I start brushing my teeth and nearly gag as I do every time I brush them- I have an extremely sensitive gag reflex. Very embarrassing. As I'm brushing my teeth I see Harry's shadow making its way back into my bedroom and towards the bathroom that I am in. I smile sheepishly at him, not too sure how I'm supposed to act around him after last night. He smirks back making me swoon at the sight of him and I take in how he's still dressed in the clothes from last night. Obviously, what else would he have to wear? And despite his dishevelled hair much like mine due to my hands running through it last night, he still manages to look godly.

His frame leans against the door way into the bathroom as he speaks the first words of the morning. "I used that toothbrush too, hope you don't mind." He then has the audacity to grin at my shocked state when I spit the toothbrush out of my mouth and gag. I understand that we spit swapped and all last night but brush sharing?! Barbaric.

After I have recovered from his disgusting hygiene habits he goes on to tell me how he's made breakfast. Avocado on toast and egg. I love egg, but avocado? Disgusting. The only reason I had it in my fridge was because I wanted to try a health kick, I quickly realised it wasn't for me as I tried the tasteless green stuff. Nevertheless, I smile back in thanks and follow him into the kitchen to 'enjoy' the breakfast he made. Breakfast isn't too awkward but we deliberately avoid the topic of what went down last night (him).

Soon enough breakfast ends as he says he has to go home to change as he'd promised to see Mr Selley today and couldn't show up in the same jeans and Hawaiian shirt. Despite this I fully bet he will show up in an almost identical hawaiian shirt later. I'm half surprised that he is actually keeping his promises but I know I need to give him more credit over the whole topic. So far he hasn't broken a promise so I don't know why I don't trust him.

When I arrive at Mr Selley's apartment at 9 he welcomes me in and informs me that Harry will be joining us yet again today. I know I almost say to him, but I keep my mouth shut in order to keep out secret. By 9.30 Mr Selley seems agitated and worried that Harry isn't going to make it today.

"He's never usually late, he's a punctual boy. Maybe he forgot? Or something terrible happened to him" He starts to pace round his apartment. This just fuels my anxiety over how he will react in a few months when Harry can't visit him due to his commitments.

"He'll be here" I reply. He just left my bedroom an hour ago, so he's likely to be another 20 minuets before he gets here. I try and telepathically calm him down. But alas it obviously does nothing for the poor man.

By the time Harry does finally arrive he excuses himself due to traffic. We give each other a smirky side glance and Mr Selley seems to buy it so we leave the apartment to go on the morning walk. Today as it's Saturday Harry suggests we extend our morning walk to a lunch out as well. I try think of a way to excuse myself to avoid any awkward conversations between Harry and I but I come up with none (surprisingly) and agree to go with them. He acts normal in front of his grandad and for that I am thankful but I can't help but feel nervous for how he will act when it's just us two again. Mr Selley excuses himself during lunch to and 'spend a penny' and leaves Harry and I alone. I leave it to him to start any conversation as I am far too socially inept to try and flirt or even hold down a normal conversation with him anymore. However, after several minuets of total silence and Harry just staring at me as if I'm some kind of complicated puzzle I just come out and say it.

"We shouldn't have done what we did last night." My words are blunt and he seems to recoil at them.

"You're right. I should have taken you out first at least" A smirk returns to his face. How is he never effected by anything. It's as if smirking is the only facial expression he knows. "So. To try and make up for that, let me take you out tonight?" His head cocks to the side as he awaits my answer. I am stunned by his words. This is not how I thought this conversation would be heading. It's not as if I'm disappointed by his words because really, I'm not. I had just expected a more awkward and tension filled atmosphere. I blush, trying to think of a way to respond to this.

"I suppose that could do. Where would we go?" I ask already feeling nervous for this date and how I'm undoubtably going to f**ck it all up.

"Thats where you leave it down to me." His smirk returns, well I'm not even convinced it left his face in the first place and I am about to complain over his reply when Mr Selley rejoins us so I immediately shut up. I've never been one to do anything spontaneous. Mostly because I attract everything to do with danger and anything to do with tragedy but I guess for this I'm just going to have to accept it and go along with what ever Harry has planned in that pretty little head of his.

| Hii! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to Thailand for a few weeks so may not be able to update as regularly as I want to but will hopefully be able to write something for you guys :) The next chapter will obviously be the date but you'll learn a little more about Evelyn's dark past x|


harrystyles: found myself a nice pink toothbrush!

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harrystyles: found myself a nice pink toothbrush!

@ evelyngreen: funny that...

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