Part 13- Tell me or I'm leaving

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|See above for my first attempt at a manip... Yes I know it's awful but theres no pictures of them both crying so I had to make my own!!|

"Thanks Beth!!" I call out as I leave work. She let me go home early today, guess it was pretty evident from my appearance that I had had a fight with Harry. I hadn't even bothered to brush my hair this morning, let alone put any makeup on. Oh and I may still be wearing my pyjama top (or Harry's)... Let's just say today wasn't going in my favour.

I take my time going back to my apartment knowing that as soon as I get back there I'm going to have to contact Harry and try sort all this mess out. Maybe he'd have forgotten about it all? Unlikely. But maybe he's willing to drop it, for a little while at least. Thats all I need- just a little bit of time.

I'm not even convinced Harry even has any time to spare though at the moment. He's almost done with his album meaning that soon there must be some kind of tour. Will he really want to have a girlfriend on top of all of this who can't even let him into her past? He doesn't need all this extra stress and hassle of having someone like me in his life. His life is hectic as it is.

With a frustrated sigh I shove open the door to the downstairs lobby. It's been jammed for weeks but maintenance hasn't bothered to sort it out. Just about sums this place up if I'm honest. Everything is falling apart- even the paint on the walls is falling off. Damn I really need to get out of this place.

"Hey girly" I hear from my right. It's creepy Henry again. I clench my hand into a fist ready to punch him in the throat if he comes any closer. He seems to notice this. "Alright alright. I was just leaving" He says as he scurries out of the apartment block. God I really need to get out of this place.

Upon opening the door to my apartment the first thing I see is a yellow toy truck. My face contorts into one of confusion trying to make sense as to why there would be a child's toy in my apartment. I opened the door to my apartment...right?

As I look up I see Harry's just standing there...holding a baby. It's a small boy, dressed in dungarees and a little black top. He's chewing on some kind of toy brick, just staring at me intently. It's not just any baby, it's my nephew.

I can't breathe. I'm leaning against the door in some kind of trance. I'm not even looking at Kai or Harry anymore, my eyes can't focus from the tears that keep streaming down my face. I have no idea what is happening. Why is he here? Are the others also here? I see movement of a figure coming towards me. I look up to see Harry with a deep scowl on his face. I honestly just want to go and crawl into a ball in the corner of the room. I still have no idea what is happening or how this is happening. This was never meant to happen. These two people in front of me where never meant to meet. They were separate parts of my life I never ever intended would join.

"He was just left outside your door." Harry states still making his was towards me slowly. I know he is scared of how I'm going to react to this. Even I don't know how I'm going to react. "There's also a letter" and I'm handed the folded up piece of paper. Our eyes connect for a moment before I take it from his hand. His eyes are filled with betrayal and mine filled with terror. My hands shake as I open up the letter. I already know who it's from and I'm pretty sure I can guess what it says.


Im sure you saw this coming. Some things have changed and you have to take him-It's the least you could do for us after what you did. I can't do this on my own, she still hasn't woken up. She's practically a vegetable thanks to you. I was never meant to do this on my own but due to your reckless actions Iv'e been forced to. I just need a few months to sort things out, then i'll be back. Don't come for us. I don't want to see your face until she's awake... If she ever awakens. Try not to kill Kai too.

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