Part 12- Don't make me lie to you

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|My story is loosing so many reads as it goes along... 😢hope you guys are still interested in this story! On a side note...800 reads! How sick!!|

Today I woke up to find out it was going to be one of those days. I sat by the window watching the rainfall and the people outside dodge it. I never understood why people even attempt to dodge it, why not embrace it? It's quite relaxing if you just stand in it letting it soak you. That is until you get wet through and you begin to feel the cold.

Today I knew was going to be hard from the moment I open my eyes. It's like I woke up and my first thought was I miss them. I enjoyed this new life here, I did. I just, they're my family. They always will be even if they do hate me. I often wondered how they felt about me now. It had been months and months, maybe the wounds had healed? Maybe they wouldn't be so bitter towards me anymore. Maybe I was forgiven and I could go home.

But I couldn't risk seeing their faces again. Not when they were filled with despair and disgust.

It had been so long I wondered how old baby Kai was now. Four months? Five? I didn't even know anymore.

What didn't help my mood was Harry. He had stayed over last night like the many nights before and wouldn't stop asking questions. Why was I sad? Why wasn't I eating? Did he do something wrong? His face looked so hopeless and confused. I almost came out and said it. Oh no you did nothing it's just I almost killed my sister who may now be dead and now I feel sick to my stomach.

So today I stayed silent.

He stayed until lunch, making sure I eventually ate. I was thankful for him, I just really needed time alone. I had taken my seat by the window again when he came into the bedroom and sat on the bed. He let out a long sigh and we both knew what he was about to say I wasn't going to like.

"Eve, I have a question. What's that scar on your stomach from" There's a bit of silence before he adds "it looks pretty fresh." His statement is cool and calm like we were discussing another one of his favourite bands. What he doesn't know is that it sent shivers all over my body, my hand immediately going to my stomach, a pathetic excuse to hide the truth. It wasn't even that big of a scar, I don't know why he bothered to bring it up.

We'd been dating for a few months now, I couldn't be bothered to lie any longer.

"I was in a car accident" is all I say. My words hang in the air for a bit before I feel his hands on my shoulders in a comforting manner. His hands soon replaced the shivers with his warmth.

"Were you hurt?" He asks. I scoff in reply. I didn't mean to be like this but it was a pretty dumb question. "Was anyone else...involved? Anyone else hurt?" There he goes again with the digging.

"I don't want to talk about it" I say as I pull away from his touch, like the increased distance would shut him up. It didn't.

"Evelyn common, I feel like there's this whole part in your life that I know nothing about. You're shutting me out from it. You can do this forever!" He throws his hands up in the air, being a little over dramatic if you ask me.

He deserved the truth, but I couldn't give that to him right now. "Please harry, don't make me lie to you anymore. Just please, please drop it" I whisper. I hear him sigh, I hoped it was a sigh of defeat. He had to know I'd tell him one day, just today wasn't that day. It couldn't be, not when I was missing them so much. I would barley get out the words, I'd coke up.

"You know all my secrets Eve because I trust you. I can't help but think that you don't-"

"Of course I bloody trust you" I nearly scream tipping me head back in frustration. I did. I really did. "I just can't tell you right now Harry"

"But why- what are you hiding?" He shouts back.

"Oh for fucks sake! I can't tell you right now!"

"WHY NOT?!" His words are accompanied with a loud thump to the wall, one thats likely to leave a dent.

Its silent after that. All I can hear is his heavy breathing. I'm not facing him but I know his face hold one of regret. He shouldn't have done that. He should have just dropped it.

"Because you'll leave" I whisper as I lean my head against the window.

I hear the door shut as a tear falls down my face. Had I lost him, just like that?

 Had I lost him, just like that?

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Harry POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Don't make me lie to you? What a load of bull. I knew she had been lying to me since the start, that's why I was hesitant to even get into this relationship. Maybe I should have gone with my hunch and left her alone. Why can't she just open up to me. Why can't she just get over her fear and trust me.

The last few months had been so good though, maybe the best months of my life. We were so happy, she was happy. But today? Today was different, today she woke up like her mind was set. It's like she woke up wanting a fight. I didn't want to walk out on her but I couldn't stay there any longer watching her cry and knowing I couldn't do a damn thing about it until she told me what happened. I also knew that it would be a long time until I would get her to open up to me.

I had to leave for work anyway, I hope she knew that. That I wasn't just giving up on us. I need time to cool off and she needs time to get over what ever secrets she's hiding.

I walk into the studio slamming the door shut. I wasn't even going to hide the fact that I was pissed off. I needed to quickly get out of my mind set so I can focus on writing. Jeff looks up questioningly as I enter the room. I remember when I first told him about Evelyn. He wasn't too pleased, told me it wasn't a good time to start a relationship as although the band was on a break I still have a whole load of stuff to get done. I needed to write and record the whole album by the end of the year. I didn't need distractions.  Yet I still chose Evelyn. We had sat down for hours arguing over the whole thing, how I was going to balance it all out. I promised that there wasn't going to be any trouble with her, it was going to be smooth sailing with no bumps. I wonder how long this bump will last. I hope it ends soon because in the end no matter what Jeff said back in those meetings my mind was made up. I wasn't going to let her go.

I was just finishing recording a song that I had written about her a few weeks ago when I decided what I was going to do. I would go back to her apartment this evening, wait for her to finish work and apologise. We'll sort all this mess out, it's not worth fighting if it won't get us anywhere.

| This chapters short because I thought I'd separate it from the beef that's to come... |

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