Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

When Liana walked into the kitchen, her Mum was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in front of her and she looked like she hadn’t slept much.

“Good morning,” Liana said as she slid into the seat opposite her Mum.

“Good morning.” Was the hoarse reply.

“Did you sleep?” Liana asked, concern in her voice. Without warning, her Mum burst into tears. Liana moved to the other side of the table and wrapped her arms around her sobbing Mum,

“Honey, I’m so sorry,” She managed to get out between sobs. Liana rubbed her back, trying to calm her down,

“I’m sorry too, Mum. I shouldn’t have reacted like that, I was just in shock,” Liana pulled away as her Mum’s sobs started to die down, “You know you could have told me earlier.”

“I know. First I didn’t because I didn’t think you were old enough, but as the years went by, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you because of what you would think of me.”

“Mum, you know I could only think nothing but the best of you. You’re my Mum and I love you to pieces and this hasn’t tainted my image of you in any way at all. I don’t think bad of you at all, believe me.”

“I know. Liana, I love you,” Liana smiled as her Mum pulled her into a hug,

“Love you too, Mum. Now you really should be getting for work.”

“Liana! How are you?” Liana narrowed her eyes suspiciously as Lisa walked, or rather swung her hips like crazy, over to her followed by two of her lackey’s.

“Fine. What do you want?”

“I’m offended, Liana! I just came to invite you to sit with us at lunch today,” Liana looked at her in disbelief,


“So see you at lunch, aye? Toodles,” And with that she walked away leaving a very confused Liana in her wake.

“What did she want?” Liana blushed a bit as she remembered the kiss they had shared this morning but quickly recovered,

“She just invited me to sit with her at lunch. Either she just realised how insanely cool I am or she’s inviting me in hopes that you’ll come along too. Personally I think it’s the former,” She said, making Acario laugh,

“Yes, well you are insane-” Pause, “-ly cool,” She smacked him on the arm, “Just kidding, you’re awesome,” He pulled her into a hug, “Lisa’s watching,” He whispered before planting a kiss on her cheek. She could feel her cheeks burn,

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