Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

“Mum!” Liana scrambled up and ran towards the two but was thrown back by the force field. She turned to Saba, “Saba, get rid of this thing!”

“I’m sorry, Liana, if I did that then he would kill you in an instant,”

“I don’t care!” She could feel the frustration coursing through her body, all she wanted to do was get her Mum to safety.

“Let the poor girl through, Saba. Nice to see you though, you too Aden,” He glanced over his shoulder to Aden who was looking stunned. “I was hoping to spend some more quality time with my daughter before I had to kill her but sadly, it wasn’t meant to be,”

“I know you aren’t my father, Aden is,”

“Oh so they told you? Oh what a pity,”

“Liana? What is going on?” Liana glanced at her Mum, trying to stay calm even at the sound of her Mum’s scared voice.

“Mum, Darius isn’t my father. He just made you think that he was. My real father is the one standing behind you,” She pointed to Aden.

“B-but I’ve never seen him before in my life,” Liana could see she was visibly shaking now,

“Oh who cares about that? Saba, hand Liana over or I will kill her Mum,” He put his arm around her neck and started choking her,

“Saba! Get rid of this!” She yelled, hysterical. Her Mum was being killed and she could do nothing to help.

“I can’t! He will kill you!” Liana was at his side in an instant, using her strength to squeeze his throat,

“I will kill you too,” She snarled, feeling herself lose control. Suddenly there was a scream and Liana started to feel sick. She turned around to find a swarm of unknowns circling the area. At that moment, all of her spirit guardians came to stand in front of her and Abel stood by her side,

“Oh you have quite the army there now don’t you, Liana? Do you like mine?” He gestured to the unknowns circling above him, he loosened his grip on her Mum’s neck, “Sadly I can’t get them to attack your Mum because she has your protection around her but I wonder how you’d feel if I got them to attack Acario,” And with that, she watched in horror as one swooped down and made a long bloody gash in his arm. Acario groaned in pain,

“Stop it! Please!” Liana yelled at him, tears blurring her vision.

“I will, if you just come over here,”

“I can’t,” She sobbed, “Please stop this,”

“Well I can’t stop then,” He gestured to another unknown who then picked Acario up before slamming him into the ground. She could hear the distinct snapping of bones.

“Oh god,” Liana felt like she was going to be sick, “Abel, please help me! Everyone! Please help me!” She begged, “Saba, please help me,” Saba looked torn. He knew if he took down the force field that Liana would be killed in a second but he also knew that if he didn’t, his brother, Liana’s Mum and Liana’s boyfriend would all be killed. “Darius! Stop this, please! Acario is your partner!”

Darius scoffed, “He’s my slave. I made him and so I’m his master. It’s what I was taught by Gertrie,” Darius smiled at Liana, “She was who made us all,” He pointed to himself, Saba and Aden, “Of course, she made me first. Then she made Aden a hundred years later and then finally she made Saba a couple hundred after that. Saba is actually only a hundred years older than Acario and also the baby of our family,”

“It’s why you didn’t include me in your little pact with the devil, isn’t it?”

“Of course. I knew you were weak from the get go so I didn’t want to give up my soul for you,” He grinned and then glance at Liana, “So I guess I owe you an explanation. I really want to get on with the whole killing you and taking your powers but sometimes explanations are needed. Also it would be best if you passed over knowing exactly what is going on,” He removed his arm from her Mum’s neck and instead rested it on her arm,

“So, five hundred years ago a woman named Gertrie created me. She taught me all about the vampire ways and taught me about the unknowns and passed on all her knowledge to me. She was also the one who taught me about half vampires and then she revealed to me that she made me so then I could make her a half vampire child. Unfortunately, while I was living I was sterile, and so when I was made a vampire I still was. So that is where Aden comes in,” Liana glanced at Aden to see he was watching her Mum intently. She really hoped he could save her,

“So it was now the three of us. We were having fun until Aden found out what Gertrie’s plan was. He completely freaked out, like the baby he was and ran away. Gertrie was quite upset by you by the way,” He glanced at Aden, “She hand picked you for your good looks and then you just ran away! She was quite heart broken,”

“She didn’t have a heart to break,” He snarled back.

“Touché. Anyway, then finally we met Saba and, my, he was gorgeous. So Gertrie decided to turn him. By that time, I had learnt all I could from her so I did the only thing left. I killed her,” Liana gasped and he grinned, “Yes, I am quite the vile creature, aren’t I? I stayed with Saba for a little while but he was clearly disgusted by humans and I knew he couldn’t make me a half vampire child so I let him go. I then tracked down Aden only to find him with Acario,”

Liana’s brow furrowed in confusion, “Wait, I thought you made Acario?”

“I did. Acario was still human when I found the two together. He knew all about the vampires but Aden didn’t want to turn him even though Acario wanted it so badly,” Liana glanced at Acario, her heart clenching at the sight of his bloodied body, “So I thought, hey, why don’t I change him? And when Aden was out, I changed him,”

“By that time you were already a ruthless man with no soul,” Aden snarled at him.

Darius grinned, “Ah but I did have a soul at that time. Now this is where the interesting part comes in. I decided to make a pact with the devil so these two and myself could walk during the day. That way, either one of them could make a half vampire child for me. Aden  wanted no part of it but the devil didn’t listen of course, I mean I did just give him my soul,”

“How can you live without your soul?”

“Oh, I still have it. The promise was that the devil could take it once I die but I highly doubt that I will die. For one, I can walk in the sun and for two, once I drink your blood, nobody will be able to touch me. Ok, so now that’s over with, can I kill you?”

“I won’t allow it,” Liana was surprised to see Acario standing on his feet. He staggered towards Darius, obviously in pain.

“Oh this is getting boring,” Liana didn’t clearly see what happened but he must have had a stake on him because the next thing she knew, Acario was laying on the ground with a stake in his heart and his eyes lay open in glassy coldness. Darius just killed Acario.

A/N: So sorry about the late update! I've started getting ready to do work experience for the last semester of university so I'm a little busy >_< Which is why I am trying to end this story soon...also I have decied NOT to do a sequel. I'm sorry! I know a lot of you wanted one but I don't think I will do it.

So here is the next chapter, I hope it's cleared up everything for everyone!

Also I hope it doesn't weird you out so much knowing that her Uncle kissed her because they aren't REALLY Uncle and Niece...not in the traditional sense anyway.

So there will be two more chapters I believe and also an epilogue. So soon this will all be over! Thank you very much everyone for all your support. You guys have been great! I'll try to upload another chapter soon!

I also want to apologise for not replying to your guys comments >_< Please forgive me! I will try to on this chapter!

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