~Yasmin's P.O.V~
"Jess, what do we have first?" I asked as we got our bags for first lesson.
"English you doosh." She said annoyed.
"Ok, I was just asking." I said waiting by the door.
"Yasmin wait, you have the same lesson as Shane. Can you take care of Shane today, please?" Mrs asked me.
"Sure Mrs but what about break and lunch?" I asked her because I want to be with my friends and Aisha wanted to tell me something. I said looking at Mrs Turner.
"It's ok you know, I'll be fine at break and lunch." Shane said looking at me.
"You sure?" I asked feeling guilty because it's his first day and all.
"I don't mind." He said.
"Yasmin come on." Sasha said from behind me.
"I'm coming. Shane, you coming?" I asked looking at him.
"Yeah." He said looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw Luke there talking to his friends. As soon as I looked at him he turned his head to look at me, but I ignore him and walk down the corridor with Shane behind me.
"How are you finding your first day in school?" I asked him as we walked to lesson. All the girls just stared at him and gave me jealous looks. He just stayed quiet; I guess he's nervous.
"Well just give it time and you'll settle in eventually." I smiled, he smiled back at me. "And we're here. I don't think Jake's in today so you can sit in his place and I'll be sitting in front of you if you need anything." I told him putting my bag away.
"And where is that?" He asked looking around the almost empty class.
"Oh, it's right there." I told him, Mrs turned to us as we walked in.
"Yasmin who's this?" Mrs Jones asked. But she already figured it out. The rest of the class settled in.
"Hey Hollie." I smiled at my friend, as she takes her seat next to me.
"Oh hey. Who's that?" She whispered in my ear.
"That's Shane it's his first day here." I looked back, he was looking at Aaron and Allan who are sitting the next desk over. It's a bit weird how their name's both begin with A.
"Ok class turn to page 103 and listen as I read. Shane, we're reading a book which we'll be doing an assignment on, after we read the book we're going to watch the movie but just follow where we are for now." Mrs said to Shane. I turned to page 184 because I read ahead while Mrs read to the class. By the end, the class was on page 132 and I was on page 215.
"Hollie, what do we have next?" I asked her as we got our bags. We walked out the class, but I waited by the door for Shane with Hollie. We then go to math since he's in the same class as me. Shane stayed quiet the whole time. I put my things away and took my seat next to a boy called Ateek. I have to sit with the boys because of the seating plan. There's Ryan Sims in front of me; one of the quiet students. Who sits next to Ryan; another popular. Ironic how both Ryan's have to sit next to each other. Then there's Aaron from English behind me; popular. Jake is meant to be sitting next to him, but he's not in; he's a popular. So is Ateek. I don't mind because I could concentrate instead of my friend talking to me every minute. Anyway, Shane sat in Jake's place for today.
"Yasmin who's the new kid?" Ateek asked as we open our books.
"Shane he's starting today." I answered looking at the board. Ateek turned around and talked to Aaron and Shane. I just tuned them out. Some point in the lesson Mrs Hannah told everyone they have to finish 2 pages from the workbook or we get detention. I helped Ateek since he asked and didn't get it. I looked at the clock; it read 10:45 am. I was going to turn back to my desk when I saw Shane's work he hardly did anything. Not wanting him to get detention I gave him my book to copy. He just gave me a blank look. "Mrs is going to check our books and if there isn't much work she'll give you detention which you'll have to copy 3 A4 sheets from a textbook." He nodded and copied my work.

My Gay Best Friend...Likes Me...?!?
Teen FictionYasmin is a normal high school student who has lots of friends and gets along with pretty much anyone. Well at least that's what it is like at school. She is a typical teenager going through life with problems sometimes she gets along ok but other t...