~Shane's P.O.V~
Today's the day I will have to confront Yasmin about my father. I got ready and headed to school, I saw Jason walking through the gate the same time as me. "Hey Shane." He said coming over.
"Hey." I replied. We then walked to form, Yasmin wasn't in form today I guess she's going to be late or sorting out the Emma incident.
So I headed to English and sat down, I heard Sasha laugh saying "You'll lose your head if you keep your head in the clouds." She's probably talking to Yasmin. That girl always daydreams.
"Haha, where have I heard that before?" Yasmin asked as they entered through the door. She put her things away and sat next to me. "Hey." She said I nodded, Mrs started the class. At the end, we had 15 minutes to talk so I told Yasmin to stand at the back with me so no one could hear.
"I know you heard what happened." I said looking at her, I could tell she got distracted and worried.
"Is that what your dad did?" She asked me upset, why is she upset? She must be on about my cut.
"Oh that, yeah. It doesn't hurt if that's what you're wondering." I said covering it up with my hair.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone but you need to." She told me, I can't though.
"I know I can trust you but you have to promise not to tell at all and this topic is over. If my dad finds out you could be put in danger." I said looking at her sternly, trying to make her understand.
"But-" she started.
"No buts." I said, she sighed. Sasha and Tamara came over joining us so the conversation was over. Soon the bell went and we headed to maths. When we walked in everyone had to sit one to a desk I was nervous in case I fail but Yasmin told me it will be ok and to take my time. I was grateful because I could finally think clearly. Yasmin sat at the front; I sat in between Aaron's and Jason's desks. Yasmin turned to look at me and mouthed 'good luck' I nodded. Mrs walked in and Yasmin turned around I saw Jason smirk at her then me, I knew what he was thinking. So I just shook my head at him, he just laughed and turned around but Yasmin wasn't looking.
The test started and most the questions were easy because Yasmin and I went through them on Friday and before lesson. After some time I looked up and saw Yasmin looking out the window I guess she finished. We had 15 minutes left and I was almost done, I left the one's I couldn't do and did the one's I could. By the end, I had answered almost every question.
"Times up, you will get your results tomorrow when I mark them." Mrs said picking them all up. Soon everyone left to go. I waited for Yasmin while talking to Jason then we walked to our area, Yasmin sat next to Ben and me again.
"How was your weekend sis?" Ben asked her, I got worried just in case she got upset again.
"It was awesome especially because I got to see all my cousins at my Nan's and it was my nephew's first birthday on Sunday." She smiled, Aisha and I looked at her she just shrugged her shoulders. "What about yours bro?" Yasmin asked Ben.
"Sasha and I watched movies at hers and I helped her rearrange her room." He said putting his arm around Sasha, Yasmin smiled. We talked after that and then Yasmin looked like a light bulb went off in her head.
"Right Shane, Aisha?" We looked at her. "I know you guys hate each other but can you please get along because it is really awkward." She told us, we look at each other and sighed. Guess it won't hurt.
"If that's what you want." I said looking at her. "Then I'll try to get along with her." I said, it might make Yasmin happy.
"Yasmin-" Aisha said looking at her.

My Gay Best Friend...Likes Me...?!?
JugendliteraturYasmin is a normal high school student who has lots of friends and gets along with pretty much anyone. Well at least that's what it is like at school. She is a typical teenager going through life with problems sometimes she gets along ok but other t...