~Yasmin's P.O.V~
"Get the hell up or you're going to be late!" I heard my mum yell in their language, I barely knew how to speak it myself. Once their words set in I shot up in bed and looked at the clock; 8 am oh no I have only 30 minutes to get ready. I pulled the covers off me and as soon as I did the cold hit me, how I wish I could just lie back down and sleep the day away. No Yasmin you have school! I yelled to myself. "If you're late one more time watch what I do-" my mum replied again in their language.
"I know, I know I'm getting up now." I replied back in the same language. Heading for the bathroom.
"I better not get a call home or I'm telling your dad." Mum said from behind me. That was enough to get me to hurry up, their lectures always scared me and at the end I never knew if I should stay or take that as my leave. By 8:20 am, I was ready and eating an apple. My idiot of a little brother had already left the house. Would it kill him to wake me just because I had forgotten to put my alarm on? Once done I ran out the house and headed for school the long way.
When I reached the primary school I saw my annoying nephew and groaned. I walked past him but he caught up and pushed me, he then ran to his mum laughing. I ignored him and hurried to school just as I was a minute away the bell rang and everyone headed to form. The staff on the door started counting down from five but I made it just in time along with Adam. I hurried to class.
"Did you get a detention?" Mrs Turner asked.
"Made it just in time." I replied catching my breath. She gave me a disapproving look and did the register. Adam just walked in. I sat down next to Shane. "Hey," I said out of breath to my friends.
"Hey," everyone but Shane replied. I turned to look at him but he was looking the other way; what's up with him?
We talked for most of form while Shane just ignored my every attempt to talk to him, he even went as far as to yell "shut the hell up and leave me alone. If I don't want to talk to you then I don't have to!" He yelled, only our table heard.
"Ok sorry, I didn't know. I guess today just isn't my day. First I wake up late then my nephew pushes me, now this." I replied turning around to face Sasha. I said the part about my nephew quietly so they couldn't hear.
"You ok?" Sasha asked concerned.
"Yeah like I said today isn't my day plus the days only just started." I tried to smile. By the end of form I was in a much better mood thanks to Sasha, honestly if it wasn't for my friends I would be a depressed mess. I brightened up a bit more when I remembered I had art for three hours. I walked with Sasha to her lesson before going to mine. Shane was walking the same way as Sasha and me; I guess he has engineering same as her. I waited by the door with Sasha for her teacher to come unfortunately it was also Emma's form tutor Mr Cole, god he hated me.
Shane still ignored me and talked to Jason instead, it was starting to bring my mood down. "Hey don't let it bring you down, remember the days just begun. He must have something on his mind." Sasha said knowing me too well. I smiled and thanked her. Aisha came just then so did Mr Cole. I told her I would be in art again like every Thursday for break and left.
On my way up I saw Luke walking the same way, I tried to ignore him the best I could but each time I stole a glance at him it was like he was debating on what to do, I got to my class just as he was going to say something to me; I walked in. Oops. He carried on walking to his lesson.
I turned to go to my table but I almost bumped into Ben. "Sorry." I replied stepping back.
"It's ok, I should have moved." He replied putting his bag away. "What was that about?" He asked looking over my shoulder.

My Gay Best Friend...Likes Me...?!?
Fiksi RemajaYasmin is a normal high school student who has lots of friends and gets along with pretty much anyone. Well at least that's what it is like at school. She is a typical teenager going through life with problems sometimes she gets along ok but other t...