~Aisha's P.O.V~
Great I have English first. It's a good thing I found my homework. Walking down I saw Yasmin walking with a boy, but I was too far behind. I got to English and sat down everyone was still on about the new guy and how they were jealous of Yasmin for even talking to him. It's just sad really because I know she doesn't like him in that way. Emma one of the popular bitches decided to be the leader of that conversation so I decided to stick up for my best friend. "Emma shut the hell up; no one wants to hear how slutty you really are!" Anyway, English passed by quickly and I found myself in maths.
By the time break came I saw Yasmin talking to her cousin. I walked up to her and we both headed down to our area. While we were walking, I told her about how some idiot didn't move and how I walked into them. She just laughed. When we sat down we didn't realise someone was sitting there until we looked up.
It was the jerk who I walked into. "You!" Both me and the idiot said at the same time. He was listening to his phone while glaring at me. Good, I don't like him either actually I hate him!
Yasmin looked surprised. "Sorry we didn't know you were sitting here, it's where we sit at break and lunch," She said trying to break the tension. He just stayed quiet. She looked at me like a light bulb had gone off in her head. "Aisha was Shane the one you were telling me about the one that supposedly didn't move and you ended up walking into him?" She asked facing me.
"Yes." I said with attitude, I didn't mean to take it out on her but 'Shane' really annoys me. We're best friends and I know she knows I don't like boys. Shane just ignores us and listens to his music. Rude and you call me the emotionless.
Me and Yasmin carry on talking until I stop and look over her shoulder. I saw Lee walking down talking to his mates. I don't know if I like him for sure, but I know I think he's cute. I just don't know. I'm an emotional mess when it comes to him. Yasmin looked at me confused but then turned and saw Luke with his friends the boy she loves. I looked away, but I then saw Shane looking at Luke just like Yasmin does, interesting. I heard Yasmin say "Shane?" He looked at her. She lowers her voice "do you like Luke Collins?" He went red and was surprised. Oh my god this is priceless, he's gay! I can use this agent him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking down at his phone. Oh this is too good.
"Good because I love him." I heard Yasmin say. What is she doing what if someone else hears? I looked up few no one is around. His head shot up and was that jealousy I saw. "You do don't you? Don't worry I won't tell no one. Will we Aisha?" She looks at me and I have an evil smirk on my face. Wait what is she doing this is priceless.
"Will we Aisha!" She says more sternly. I look at her like she's just killed a puppy.
"Fine." I said annoyed. Giving in, honestly!
"Good girl." She laughed.
"Woof." I said mimicking a dog.
"Fine, I'm gay. No point lying to you since you already know. You better not tell anyone." Shane mumbled quietly. Yasmin nodded.
"Want to hang with us at lunch?" She asked him as I'm mouthing no to her and glaring at Shane.
"Sure." He said glaring at me. Great, he's stuck with us at lunch as well! The bell rang.
"Great, I have work skills with Mr Simon." Yasmin groaned.
"Great, I've got Enterprise." I groaned as well. We look at Shane and he looks at his timetable.
"You've got to be kidding. Great, I'm stuck with you for an hour." He stated annoyed pointing to me. Oh can this day get better!
"Be nice." Yasmin told me as I smirked. I'm planning to lead him to the wrong class if she lets me show him around. "Shane I'll show you to your class since someone here is planning something bad if I let her show you to class." She said looking at me; I just walked in front of her. Once she dropped us off she walked to her class which was next door.
I sat next to Tom and Laura, away from the jerk. I was talking to Tom through most the lesson when Sir walked up to Shane. I tried to hear what he said to him, but all I heard is "have to go home." He looked at the clock. "Ok Sir." Yes, he's going. Our SSM came to take him.
After lesson, I waited for Yasmin outside her class so we can walk to health and social care together. Once I saw her we walked down where we find our two other friends. We sat at our normal table which just happened to be by the boys. I told Yasmin Shane had to go home or she would feel guilty for ditching him again. Mrs Harley said we were going to the computer room. I sat opposite Yasmin because there was no room by her. I had no choice but to sit next to Jason the number one jerk. I swear he's always making fun of my height, it's not my fault I'm small. So far the lesson was going great.
The bell rang for lunch. Sasha and Ben came over along with Hollie and Tamara. Hannah came as well. We were back in lesson chatting and doing our work when Jason made fun of my height. I was going to say something to him, but Yasmin beat me to it. "Leave her alone Jason." He looked up at her.
"I'm just messing." He said.
"Well I don't care leave her alone." She told him he just nodded and went back to doing his work. Sometimes it surprised me how much some people listened to her. But that's Yasmin for you; she respects everyone until you do something to annoy her.
Emma was bitching about Yasmin again and I could tell Yasmin was ignoring her, but I could also tell it was upsetting her. You see being her best friend for a long time I've picked up on how she can stand up for other people but when it comes to her she rarely stands up for herself.
Emma has only come to our school about 2/3 months back I think and she already thinks she owns it. But she doesn't, I'll tell you which title she holds number one bitch. Anyway, "Emma shut the hell up and leave her alone! What did she ever do to you?" By now everyone was listening. I looked at Yasmin and she smiled at me; which meant she was thankful.
"Why should I?" Emma said back to me. I was going to say something back, but someone beat me to it.
"Emma just leave them alone and stop being a bitch." It was Jason. Wow, he's sticking up for us.
"Yeah, Emma leave them alone." Said half the class.
"Take that Emma we got the class on our side. You don't rule the school like you think you do." I said to her, she just glared at us and went back to her work. I know the class did it for Yasmin they have as much respect for her as she has for them. I was a bit surprised when Jason stuck up for us. Anyway, the bell rang not long after.
Me and Yasmin walked home. Once she had gone her way I head to my house with my little sister. When I got home my dad told me my granddad was very sick so my mum had gone to Turkey to see him. I headed up about an hour or two after my brother phoned from university, he said he'll be back in a couple of weeks. By the time 10 pm arrived, I fell asleep.
Thanks for reading please vote and comment :)

My Gay Best Friend...Likes Me...?!?
Novela JuvenilYasmin is a normal high school student who has lots of friends and gets along with pretty much anyone. Well at least that's what it is like at school. She is a typical teenager going through life with problems sometimes she gets along ok but other t...