~Shanes's P.O.V~
I saw Yasmin walk over and it made me smile, she was happy and she didn't just walk past. I was talking to Ben when I noticed Yasmin's attention was elsewhere. I followed her gaze and saw Luke flirting with some girl. I moved in front of her but she didn't notice. For a second, I could have sworn she looked right at me, but then she was confused.
"Yasmin? Yasmin?" Aisha said to her waving her hand in front of her face.
"What?" She asked realising what was going on around her.
"You were thinking about Luke again weren't you?" Sasha said looking at her. I got annoyed and looked the other way. Who am I kidding she likes Luke not me, besides I can't have her even if I wanted. I'm too messed up and know I won't be able to give her the happiness she deserves. "Yasmin?" Sasha asked again.
"Oh um yeah, sorry I just remembered I had detention with him tonight." She smiled.
"Yeah, sure we believe you." Aisha said. Aisha said something else but I didn't hear her because the bell rang. We headed to form but when I looked back, I noticed Yasmin wasn't behind me. I looked a little further and saw her talking to someone. I watched her talk to Luke and I was really starting to get annoyed. I saw her look at me but I couldn't let her see so I turned to walk to form.
"Looks like you only just made it on time Yasmin." Mrs Turner said. She sat down.
"You would have been here earlier if Luke hadn't stopped you." I mumbled irritated.
"So what did 'he' want?" Sasha asked once she sat down. I decided to listen too.
"He wanted to talk but I told him I had to get to form." She replied, so she ditched him for us?
The bell went for next lesson. We grabbed our bags and I walked to lesson. I saw Jason. "What's up? You look like you don't know where you're going?" He said. He's probably the only one I trust.
"It's Yasmin; I don't know what to do. I know I really like her but she won't even look at me in that way. Whenever I see her talking to Luke it really irritates me, I don't want to see her hurt and I know he's just going to use her." I said as we entered class making sure no one else heard, especially Aisha.
"Do you want me to talk to her for you?" He offered but I turned it down, I guess if it was ever going to happen I'd want to tell her myself. Class went on but I kept thinking about Yasmin. At break, Ben told us she wanted to spend time with her cousin. At first, I thought it was just an excuse to talk to Luke but then I noticed him outside with his friends and Yasmin wasn't around. I felt bad for doubting her.
We went back to lesson and concentrated with work. While going to my next lesson I saw Yasmin and was going to say hello when someone stood in my way. "Oh, hey Jack. My brothers probably in English." She said.
"I know; I thought I'd let you know he was coming over to mine after school." He said.
"Hey Yasmin." I said stood next to her and I smiled at her. I tried to put my arm around her, so Jack would know to back off, but she just looked at me till I dropped my arm. I glared at jack. Jack walked off right after glaring back at me.
She hit my shoulder lightly, it hurt a little. "Ow, what?" I asked slightly annoyed. What was she doing talking to him anyway? I knew that wasn't all he wanted to say.
"What was that about?" She asked.
"Nothing." I said walking into class. Mrs came so she couldn't question me anymore. We were sitting in class doing our work. At some point, she turned to me.
"Yes?" I sighed. She wasn't going to stop till she got an answer.
"What was that outside? Before class?" She asked curiously.
"What do you mean?" I asked pretending to be clueless.
"I mean when you tried to put your arm around me and you were glaring at Jack. Because I noticed." She said making sure no one else heard. I tried to avoid her eye contact. I didn't want to tell her yet.
"It's nothing." I replied. Great, at least she stopped asking questions. Once the bell rang she waited for me. I was walking with her down the corridor when someone pulled her to the side, it better not be Luke. I saw her cousin but was confused. I turned to see what her cousin was looking at and saw a man. I pretended I was going through my bag till he left. She was looking over my shoulder. Once she had gone Yasmin thanked her cousin and we went to meet the rest of our friends.
"What was that about?" I asked.
"My uncle, he would have said something, he doesn't know we're friends." She replied. I nodded, guess even if I did want her, things might be complicated. I noticed her looking and smiled.
We joined the others, she sat next to Aisha. "How was lesson?" Aisha asked.
"Just the same." She replied. In no time soon school was over, I walked Yasmin to her detention and was relieved to find out Luke wasn't there. I walked home. When I got home mum went out with Zach while I did my homework.
I heard a car pull up and saw Yasmin, she waved at me. I smiled at her. It was nice of her to drop mum off. I saw dad walking home a while away and got worried, but they drove off before they saw him.
I helped mum set dinner up. Dad managed to eat then passed out. After some time, I was in bed. Yasmin was on my mind. I want to tell her, I want to get it off my chest as it's constantly on my mind. I don't want to lose her either, I just don't know what to do. What would happen if I do tell her and how am I meant to tell her? I don't even know if she likes me back.
My mind was spinning. I want to put my mind to rest. I think I will tell her and see what happens, at least then I won't be haunted by all these questions. Yasmin what are you doing to me, I laugh and fell asleep with her on my mind.
Thanks for reading :)
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My Gay Best Friend...Likes Me...?!?
Novela JuvenilYasmin is a normal high school student who has lots of friends and gets along with pretty much anyone. Well at least that's what it is like at school. She is a typical teenager going through life with problems sometimes she gets along ok but other t...