The Interview, and Lunch

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Sorry, I didn't have  much heart to write this chapter. I am saving my heart for the next chapter! Hope you like it anyway and keep reading! Vote and comment if you like!  :D xxx


“Yeah, I guess. I’ll come out,” I said, when the same man was about to come in. His face looked very much like a frog. His nostrils were naturally big, and his lips thin. He was bald, too. I wasn’t expecting this!

As soon as I stepped out, the camera’s began flashing again. I squinted, but kept a straight face, knowing I could be in a newspaper one of thee days. I took charge of the whole thing and started picking people to ask questions.

“Yes, you?” I said, pointing to a very strict looking woman with blonde waist length hair and a suit.

“Hi, my name is Patricia Long, from the Daily Kinetic. It’s been seven years since you last came here. What are your feelings towards it?”

“I miss home, but I guess we just have to move on sometimes. When I went in, I burst in to tears with emotion. I really missed home,” I said, trying to be as dramatic as possible. Nearly all of the journalists were jotting down notes on my answer. “Er, yes, you at the back in the black cap?”

“Hi, my name is Michael, and I’m from The Incoveshire Star. So tell me Samantha, what is your future at the moment? What did you study for your examinations?”

“I did psychology as my main subject, biology and maths. I was going to be an author and study English literature, but decided on psychology.”

The crowd started muttering amongst themselves, and the scratching of pens filled the space once again. “You, in front with the cardigan?”

“My name is Nina, and something happened to my parents when I was young, so I was brought up my gran. Could you tell me why you didn’t visit before?”

“I was forbidden to. My social workers told me it would be dangerous if I visited, in case I mysteriously died, too,” I got out another mint and sucked on it. “You, on the right side of Michael? This is the last question by the way,”

A little groan came from some of them.

“I’m Henry Ranger. I’m writing for the Sunny Agents. Do you know yourself why the house was never sold?”

“No, I don’t but I have been thinking about it,” I replied. It was true, I didn’t know, but I was sure there wasn’t a newspaper called the Sunny Agents. Hmm.

After a little bit of shuffling and fidgeting, I said ‘goodbye’ and left with Darren linking arms with me.

“You were great babes,” he said, pecking me on the nose. I smiled, and replied:

“I must be gifted!”

We both laughed at this remark, and went into town to grab a coffee. I got a cappuccino and Darren got a milkshake whip. He wasn’t into coffee or tea at that moment. He ‘disbelieved in caffeine’. 

At around twelve, we went to get lunch. I went into Camille’s Delicious Cuisine, which was a French restaurant. Darren reluctantly followed, because there were high doses of caffeine in some of the foods (crazy, I know!), but it was a delicious restaurant anyway. I chose a small boudin blanc, and some Madeleine for desert. When I finished and the bill came, I was shocked to see that it was only five pounds ninety five. Maybe it was because I was a member? I asked the waiter.

“O, madam, hat is because hall members get seventy purcunt off,”

“Yeah, thanks anyway.”

I smiled as I walked out, forgetting that Darren was in the loo. I waited for another fifteen minutes, and decided I was getting bored. I went to the male toilets and shouted:

“DARREN YOUNG are you in there?”

And to get no answer. That fool…


“ARGH! Uh, Darren! You scared the spirit out of me! Ass off somewhere!”

Darren just laughed and actually walked off.

“Hey Darren! Where are you going? C’mon! We’re going back to the house now!”

“You did tell me to ass off!”

“Oh, c’mon, you know I was jok-”

I was interrupted by a loving long kiss. We stood there for a few seconds, before I totally ran out of breath.


“Yes, hun?”


“C’mon then, lets get back to the house.”

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