Chapter 25 - Dreams Really Do Come True

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"No, no, no," I started to frantically panic and walk back and forth in my room, "this can't be possible. It can't." I then spotted my phone next to my laptop on a desk across from my bed. I picked it up and looked through it. The lock screen wasn't a picture of Michael and I, and the home screen wasn't a picture of the boys and I. I started to freak out even more.

Before I looked through my phone, I turned on some music in attempt to try and calm myself down, so I shuffled all my music. Of course the first song to come on was "Amnesia" and I groaned. 

Of course that had to be the first song to come on, so I skipped it and the next song was "Try Hard" and was so close to screaming because I feel too many emotions at once but I just continued to go through my phone. "There's no way it didn't happen," I kept repeating to myself.

The first thing I went through was my photos. There wasn't anything of me and the boys, or Michael and I. "What the hell?! Where are they?" Next was my messages, there's a billion texts on here from our group chats and everything, and maybe the pictures just got deleted by accident.

There weren't any texts. I felt my eyes widen in shock. What the hell, what the hell, what the hell is the only thing that was going through my head right now. My last chance of hope was on social media. I scoured through instagram and twitter. There were no tweets or pictures of each other on anyone's accounts. None of the boys were even following me. I could feel the tears of sadness and anger rolling down my cheeks, I can't believe this. Oh my god.

I just sat down on my bed, not even knowing what to do. The relationships I made, my music, my career, it was all a figment of my imagination. I wanted something like that to happen so badly, that I must've fallen asleep and dreamed of it and it seemed so, so, so realistic. I've been played by my own brain. The tears fell even harder. This now only seems like a bad nightmare that I can't escape.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed my computer and went on YouTube, at least maybe I posted that "Try Hard" cover? I did. That was the only thing involved in the dream that was real. It had over 215,000 views though, so I guess that's okay.

Sighing, I got up to go get something to eat out of the kitchen. I wasn't too hungry, for I didn't really have much of an appetite after the realization that I just had the most realistic dream that was so amazing, and none of it will ever happen to me. So I made a simply smoothie and took it back to my room, and got back onto my computer.

I noticed that there was a little notification in my messages on YouTube. Sighing once more thinking that if there was anymore things to happen in the next 5 minutes to remind me of the dream, I was going to explode, I opened the message.

I slammed my drink on the desk, "No fucking way." I stared at the screen.

To: HavenCurtsyXO

From: 5 Seconds of Summer

Subject: Try Hard cover

Hello Haven,

We happened to come across your cover of one of our songs, and lets just say that we all fucking loved it and we all think that you're an amazing singer! We also noticed that you live somewhere in Australia, I'm hoping you're somewhere around Leichhardt so we could all do some some fun music things. Reply soon so we could schedule something!

Best Wishes,

Ash, Mikey, Cal, and Luke xx

Holy shit. I can't believe this, and I could only see myself in the mirror in front of me with a huge ass smile on my face and my eyes glistened. More tears, but this time, the happy ones. I never cry when I'm happy. A huge wave of relief just fell over me as I leaned back in my chair, ready to compose a message back.

To: 5 Seconds of Summer

From: HavenCurtsyXO

Subject: Re: Try Hard cover


Thanks so much for the message. I'd love to meet up with you guys sometime. Maybe we all can do something really big together. :) Feel free to shoot me some texts (0X-XXXX-XXXX).

Best Regards,

Haven Curtis:)

Maybe, just maybe, dreams really do come true.

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