Chapter 1

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2016. The year that all Gorillaz fans hope to pass by as quickly as it can so that Gorillaz launch their new album.

Gorillaz go in their Geep to the recording studio they have found to record their newest creations, according to Murdoc, their biggest album ever! In the Geep there is an awkward silence. Murdoc, who was driving, turns back to see a strangelly sad 2D facing the window and Noodle reading her music sheets while moving her hands in the air like she was playing an imaginary guitar.

"Faceache must be nervous. He usually don't shut up for a minute and now he is quiet. Too quiet." Murdoc thought as he drove as fast as he could to the recording studio.

When they got there, everyone took their instruments and walked to the room. Noodle was exited for finally recording another album with her band instead of the other cyborg replica. Where was she, you ask? No one knows.

"Is it all good to begin?" Russel asks. He has returned to his normal size and is not the giant he was in Plastic Beach, even though he is a bit bigger. Murdoc and Noodle reply yes while 2D tried desperately to say no when the music started. All start playing an upbeated tune while 2D looked in terror to the microphone in front of him.

"Stop with the music. STOP!" Murdoc yelled as loudly as he could while walking towards the blue haired singer. "Why don't ya sing? We practiced a lot to get 'ere and play and now ya don't want to?" Now, the satanist was in front of the singer looking him with his angry mismatched eyes.

"What happened, 2D-san?" Noodle asked confused.

2D opened his mouth to answer them and from it came... nothing. Not a single sound. Noodle and Russel were astonished while Murdoc kept looking deep into 2D's dented eyes with a furious look in his face.

"Couldn't ya say sooner? I didn't had to be 'ere if ya said so." Murdoc said hitting 2D in the back of the head.

"Stop Murdoc-san!" Noodle said walking towards the blue haired man, now sitted in a chair with his head buried deep into his hands, covering his disappointed face. "2D didn't told you or any of us and besides, you almost beated him to get into the car."

Murdoc looked at the japanese girl, now 25, and remembered when she was the 10 years old girl that came into their lifes in a FedEx box.

" 'Kay. I did it but I didn't 'new. Let's record the next one and then we go away."


Murdoc leaves Gorillaz' place with a bunch of sheets in his hands sneakily in the midle of the night.

"He took our new songs. He will do certainly something stupid." Russel thought, seeing Murdoc walking away in the Geep. Russel and his other bandmates called a cab to take them to the place where it all began, Kong Studios.

When they arrived they saw their Geep parked in front of Kong and lots of dead zombies, probably killed by Murdoc, who knows. Kong Studios was wrecked considering that Murdoc burned it down to get some money to build the Plastic Beach's studio. They entered the studio and followed a sound that came from downstares, from the darkest part of Kong.

What they saw left Russel scared to death. Murdoc was messing around with Russel's Hip Hop Machine.

" Murdoc don't do it! We don't know what would happen. It can be damaged and we don't know the consequences it may have!" Russel said almost panicking and expecting Murdoc to just walk away from the machine with them. But no.

"Wha' are ya scared Russ? Is it because of Dell? Are you afraid?" Murdoc said with a evil grin in his face. It was it. Russel was done with him. He went towards Murdoc and punched his face making him falling.

" Never talk about him again. NEVER!" Russel threatened the bassist that was desperately trying to stand up but when he stood he turned to the band and smashed a button on the machine.

" NO! What have you done?" Noodle yelled as Murdoc laughed like a maniac while the machine was beeping and lights were flickering. Russel tried to get all of them out of that room but the machine made an high pitched noise that made the band members pass out.

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