Chapter 13

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Murdoc and Patricia played and shared their opinion on the musics they wrote while 2D and Niccole trainned the singing. After playing for a couple of hours, Patricia layed down on her bed while Murdoc smoked a ciggarette.

" Well, it was pretty good!" Patricia said still looking to the music's paper sheets.

" Preety good, ya say? It was bloody awesome! Now ya certainly will be the most popular band ever, like we are." Murdoc said throwing the almost finished ciggarette into a full ashtray.

" Yew know what I wanted now? Summfing to drink like whisky or a beer."

" Well I 'ave this." The satanist pulled a smal bottle of whisky from his pocket. " We can try it out."

" Where did yew get tha'?" She sitted quickly next to the bassist. " Yew didn't brought tha' from the other dimension, did yew?"

" Wha' if I had?" Murdoc asked with a large grin on his face.

" We don't know wha' tha' can do to us. It can be toxic." The lady took the botle and looked to the liquid inside.

" Oh, c'mon! Wha' can tha' do? If ya don't drink, I'll drink." Murdoc picked up the bottle and drank a bit of its content. " See, nothing happened. I'm still 'ere alive."

" Well, nuffing happened now." She mumbled as Murdoc handed her the bottle.

" Don't be such a pussy. Drink it, or are ya afraid?" The satanist challenged her as she grabbed the bottle and drank from it.


" How was it?" Niccole asked 2D, who was sitted on a chair watching her.

" It was good but... yew need to sing from yew heart not yew stomach. Sing like yew mean it." 2D suggested.

" Okay. Maybe tomorrow. It's getting late and I'm tired." Niccole streched her arms and walked next to Stuart as they exitted the room. " You have where to sleep or can I get you a room?"

" I dunno. If Russel fixed the machine then we can go 'ome." 2D replied as he walked down the hall. Suddenly, Abby walked towards them.

" Have you seen Russel?" She asked.

" No." The singers answered.

" 'ave yew looked in the machine's room?" Stuart asked.

" Yeah, but he's not there and I can't find him anywhere." Abby said worried. " Well, I will keep on looking. Thanks." She rushed down the hall and disappeared on the end of the hall.

" That's funny! I never ever had seen her so worried about anyone. Maybe she found her way back into the light." Niccole said smiling.


Noodle and Eldon were still in the roof talking but it is not going the way Noodle wanted it to go.

" I'm worthless. No one likes me, everyone makes fun of me because I'm orphan and I came to here in a box." Eldon said, his voice almost breaking.

" You have your band." Noodle said smoothly while rubbing his back.

" But you don't know anything! Your band is like a family to you. Here no one cares about me, no one even looks at me while I walk down the halls. I could die and no one would care. Have you ever been treaten like this? Have you?" Eldon said crying, his voice broken.

" No, I haven't." She hugged him. " I care about you. If I didn't I wouldn't be here this long with you."

" Or you are just here just for pity." Eldon mumbled, looking down to the grass of the park.

" Come on. Let's go inside." As Noodle stood up a scream was heard from the inside. Both of them rushed to get inside. When they arrived next to the band they found both the bassists unconscious.

" What happened? Are they dead?" Eldon asked almost panicking.

" Noodle, take him out of here. Now." Abby yelled as Noodle was still petrified, looking to the bassists. When she realised what she was told to do she dragged the boy to the kitchen.

" Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. They're dead, they're dead!" Eldon panicked shaking as he sitted on a chair.

" No they're not. They were just unconscious. Probbably they drank too much." Noodle explained but Eldon still didn't react. She rushed upstairs and entered Patricia's room and searched for pills. If Stuart got calmer with his pills maybe Eldon could get too. She found a pills container and took some to give to the japanese guy. She gave them to the boy, who got much calmer after taking the pills. Then the ambulance arrived.


Murdoc woke up and looked to his side. Next to him was Patricia still asleep. He looked around and took a while to realise he they were in an hospital room. The satanist streched his hand but couldn't reach the lady next to him. He called her.

" Go away. Let me sleep." She growled.

" Look around." She opened her eyes and gasped as she noticed all the machines next to them.

" Are we on an hospital? Wha' have yew done? Are we dead?" She attempted to sit on the bed but she felt dizzy and layed back down again.

" I don't know but our bandmates should be there shortly."

" Yeah and I can tell yew tha' they will visit me first, especially the blue haired dullard."

" He's from my band. He will never visit ya first." Murdoc laughed.

" 50 in how he will come to me first." She streched her hand towards the other bassist that shaked her hand. Suddenly, the two bands entered the room and what was Murdoc's surprise when 2D visited her first.

" Oi Faceache!" Stuart looked towards who called him. " Thanks. Now because of you I lost my money to tha' girl."

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