Chapter 4

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Noodle was sitting in the edge of the El Mañana. She was feeling the breeze relaxed until something came towards her that almost made her heart. It couldn't be! It was... helicopters and they were preparing to shoot her. The guitarist got up as fast as she could and run to the island's mill. As she stepped in she faced her worst nightmare. The cyborg! It had returned. Noodle ran up the mill's stares and when she reached the top she was face to face to the cyborg. She tried to fight her but the cyborg pushed her off the floating island. Noodle screamed has hard as she could until...

2D woke up to Noodle's desperate screams. He got up has fast as he could, putted on his pants and rushed to get to Noodle's room. When he got there Stella was already there trying to calm the japanese girl by singing her a lullaby. Stuart watched her from the room's door while she stroked her hair and kissed Noodle's forehead. Then Stella left the room, wishing her a good night.

" T'anks fo' calmin' 'er." Stuart said with a slightly hoarse voice.

" Yew're welcome. It was the most I could do to help 'er." Stella started blushing and walked to her room. " Night Stuart."

" Night Stella." 2D walked to his room and quickly fell asleep.


In the morning Stuart wakes up sooner than normal. He had a terrible headache but the worst of all was the fact that he didn't had any painkillers. 2D got up, dressed himself and walked towards the kitchen. With such a headache he certainly wouldn't sleep more. When he got to the kitchen he found Stella sitted at the table with a glass of water in front of her and her face buried in her arms.

" Are yew okay?" Stuart asked her in a low voice because he knew if he talked loudly the pain would be much worse.

" Hi 2D." She replied in a low desperate voice. " My head is killin' me and I don't 'ave more pills."

"Yew sure? Have yew looked inside the kitchen cabinet?" 2D opened all the cabinets and cupboards in the kitchen until he found an half filled pills container. He took two pillsto himself and then putted the container in the table in front of her. " 'ere yew go 2D. See if yew don't take them all at once." Stuart left Stella in the kitchen looking to the pills.

Russel and Russelina left the Hip Hop machine's room and went to the kitchen. The two singers and the two guitarists were there talking to each other.

" What happened?" Russelina asked to the group.

" Whe don't have any food and I'm not going out this time." Guy said frustrated. " The last time I went to town I almost got killed by all of the fans and 2D got here full of bruises."

" Wha' are we goin' to do? Mudz di'int got out of her Winnebago since they arrived." Stella said pointing to Stuart and Noodle.

" I think I have got an idea. Since they are here and people don't know them then they could go shopping for us and none of us will get hurt. What do you think?" Russelina suggested and all agreed.

" Then you two are going to shop for goods while I'm going to get some pieces for the machine. When we get everything we need we come back. Deal?" Russel looked to his bandmates.

" Yeah, I s'pose." Stuart said as Noodle noded.

" Then let's go."


When they got back to Kong Studios they were surprised by Murdoc and Murdeen all full of bruises and wounds and Stella, Russelina and Guy trying to treat them.

" What happened Murdoc-San? Why are you two like that?" Noodle asked.

" For the love of sweet Satan! Can you stop asking that?" Murdoc shouted.

" This dullard made the ritual wrong and the summoning went wrong." Murdeen growled as Guy wraped a bandage on her arm.

" You have to stop that before you get yourselves killed." Russel said as Murdoc and Murdeen stood up and went to the kitchen.

" Isn't there anything in this bloody fridge?" Murdeen yelled as Guy and Noodle took the groceries to the kitchen.

" I have got the pieces. Can we go fix the machine?" Russel said as Russelina followed him to the machine's room.

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