Chapter 7

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Later at night both bands were in the living room trying to find something they could do together.

" We could play Truth or Dare." Suggested Murdeen between her ciggarette.

" No, last time you two went naked outside. Who knows what you would do next time." Guy said lying down on the floor next to Noodle.

" What if we did a challenge to them?" Russelina asked in a misterious voice.

" Wha' kind of challenge? See who can chase Faceache faster?" Murdoc replied with an evil grin.

" I was thinking more of a tallent challenge. We sing and play the same song and record it with a camera, publish it in our site and ask to vote in which was better."

" Great idea! Now we can show we are better than ya, ladies." Murdoc said facing Murdeen.

" Then wait until we show you who's better." Stella replied. " When will we start?"

" Right now in the rec room." Russelina said going upstares. All followed her to the rec room and planned to play " Every Planet We Reach Is Death" and " Feel Good Inc." even though they didn't had De La Soul's vocals. Everyone did their best and sang and played the best they could. It was like a fight between titans. Both of them was excellent and when they published it in the Internet, their site flooded with votes. After that they had to wait for the votes. In the meantime, they talked about their tricks and experience until the time finished and they checked the site. They couldn't believe in their eyes. The challenge was... even. The votes were the same in both bands.

" So, who's goin' to show who's better?" Stella joked and everybody laughed except the two satanists.

" Shut it, Faceache!" Murdeen yelled going to her room.

" Look at the time! I think it was better for us to go sleep a bit." Russelina said exitting the room.

" Why? It's only 1 am" Guy complained.

" Don't you remember? We have a concert tomorrow, I mean today." She left the room and left the other band mates in the room.

" Yeah, do yew want to come?" Stella asked.

" Yeah, I s'pose. Can we?" Stuart faced his bandmates.

" We go. I want to see if ya four are as good in real life as in the rec room." Murdoc replied looking deep into the black lady's eyes.


A new day has come and Gorillaz prepare themselves to travel to London to attend to a gig in a big music festival.

" Why do we have to go too?" Murdoc growled picking up a suitcase for Noodle.

" Because ya said so and ya goin' to play with us." The other satanist grumbled as she picked up her bass, El Diablo.

" Since when?"

" Since y' are the new stars on the Internet and y' almost are as popular 'ere as in ya dimension."

The satanist putted everything that missed in their rented bus.

" Are we good to go?" The japanese guitarrist yelled as the band entered the bus.

" Yeah, let's go." Stella said excited, making both of the satanists growl at the band's excitement.


The stage was huge and lots of people had already gathered to see the gig. Stella was taking her pills on the backstage while 2D was still locked in the toilet. The two satanists were fighting to see who would play the El Diablo, the two drummers checking the equipment and the two guitarists seeing the large amount of people waiting for the show while screaming the band's name.

" Why is Faceache still closed in there?" Murdoc growled hitting the door as hard as he could.

" Don't do it!" Stella yelled, grabbing his fist, making him stop knocking on the door. Murdoc stepped away from it as she knocked on the door gently. " 2D, I have these pills. Take them." Stuart oppened the door grabbing the pills container and taking two of them. A few minutes later he stepped out of the restroom and grabbed his keyboard piano and walked out of the room.

" Wha' the bloody hell was on those pills?" Murdoc turned to Stella with a confused looked.

" Some pills Russ gave me when I have panic attacs. Mostly before gigs." Stella started laughing.

" Wha' are ya still doin' 'ere with this hooligan? Ya should be on the stage!" Murdeen said pulling her to the stage.

They plaied magnificently the first songs until they anounced something from the stage.

" And now give us a big applause to the guys that made everyone go crazy, the ones that challenged us, the Interdimensionalls!"

The stage was filled with applauses and the other Gorillaz stepped onto the stage and started playing with the girls. The people assisting became crazy as they started listening to the bands and 2D and Stella's voice filled the stage.

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