Chapter 16

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Murdoc was layed on his bed smoking a ciggarette when he heard a light knock on the door. He stood up and opened the door facing Niccole.

" Wha' are ya doin' 'ere? Ya are in the wrong room. Faceache's room is in the other side of the hall." Murdoc pointed to the other room.

" I'm not looking for him. I'm here to... to tell you... thanks for standing up for me in the pub. It was really nice of you." Niccole stepped closer to Murdoc, kissed his cheek and ran away hiding her embarrassment. Murdoc looked to her running down the hall, trying to understand what had just happened.


Next day, Russel and Abby fixed the machine.

" And its finished. Now we can go home. Our work here is done." Russel said stepping out of the room.

" I'm going to tell the others." Abby said rushing upstairs.

" Go home?" Eldon mumbled sadly after listening to the two bandmates conversation.


Abby told everyone the good news. Noodle went up to the roof to tell the japanese boy the news and found him sitted on the edge of the roof. He was looking down to the park sadly.

" You are not thinking about jumping again, are you?" Noodle sitted next to him.

" No." He replied. " I'm just a little sad. You are here to say goodbye, aren't you?"

" Well... actually yes. How did you knew?" Noodle looked confused.

" I listened to them. They fixed it. You are going away. You are going to leave me alone." He said pulling his knees to his chest.

" You are not alone. You have your band and you have music. As long as you play with your heart everything is okay." Noodle conforted him looking to the green grass below them.

" Wow. That was deep."

" Yeah, really deep. Want to go inside to say goodbye to the others?" Noodle stood up and walked inside.

" Hey, wait for me!"


Everyone was already in the room when the two japanese entered the room.

" Ya two had already said goodbye?" Murdoc asked with an evil grin.

" Leave her alone." Niccole said smoothly.

" Hey Patricia I forgot to give yew this before." Stuart took a pills container out of his pocket and handled it to the blue haired bassist. " I bought this when we where at the mall and I completely forgot it."

" Thanks." Patricia hugged him as Murdoc glanced at them with a disgusted look.

" Can we go now?" Murdoc growled impatient.

" Wait a sec. I studied the machine's blueprints and found wha' yew did wrong." Patricia pressed some buttons and twisted some handles. " Now yew can go. Make a good trip to your dimension!"

" Bon voyage!" Abby said.

" Bye!" Eldon said as he got out of the room.

" 'ere we go!" Murdoc hitted a button and an high pitched noise came from it.


The four bandmates woke up in a room next to a broken Machine. Murdoc stood up and looked trough the window. A huge graveyard surrounded a destroied Kong. Murdoc laughed.

" Wha' are yew laughing of?" 2D asked confused.

" We are in our dimension, Faceache! We are finally 'ome. And ya know wha' tha' means?"

" We are going to record the new album?" Noodle tried to guess.

" Tha' too. Wha' I ment was booze. Lots and lots of booze." Murdoc stepped out of the room.

" Ya wanna lift to the rec room? We 'ave work to finish." Murdoc asked followed by his other bandmates.

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