Chapter 6

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A new day had come and the machine is almost fixed. Russel exited his room and found Russelina in the hall.

" Good morning." Russel said, scaring her.

" You scared me! Good morning to you too. Do you want to go get some breakfast?"

" Sure, why not?" The two drummers went downstares and found Murdoc and Murdeen curled on eachother giggling like two children who did something wrong.

" You slept in here? You have a room up there, you know?" Russelina said looking to both of them with a look of disapproval.

" We couldn't. We would wake you up if we were up there." Murdeen said with an evil grin.

Russel looked to them. " You didn't do it!"

" Ya can bet your fat black ass that we did it!" Murdoc said as both of the satanists laugh.

" I lost my appetite." Russel said with a sick look.

" Me too. I'm going to... see the machine. You comming?" The black lady said to the other drummer.

" Yeah."

" Ya better do it too before ya fix the machine Russ or ya gonna loose the opportunity!" The satanist yelled, grabbing Murdeen by her chest and lying down again.


The two drummers spent almost two hours in the machine's room but didn't fix it. Instead they did something that they didn't do since the Gorillaz came to this dimmension: talk. They talked about everything from the band, their lifes and even their worst fears.

" My darkest time was when I lost Dell. After that I almost lost it." Russel said, a little sad.

" Me too." Russelina replied. " I really miss her. My biggest fear was loosing her but now... Without her I feel like I'm..."

" Empty." Both of them said. Russelina blushed because she don't use to express her deepest feelings with other people but with him she felt safe. Almost like he was some part of her.

" At least we don't have some nonsense fear like 2D." Russel said laughing.

" Yeah. Whales... what if we go and, I don't know, prank him a little?" The drummer lady said misteriously.

" How?"

" We have a little room full of stuff we used in gigs and we have a big stuffed whale. We could use it. What do you say?" She turned to him with an excited look.

" Then let's go." He said exiting the room.

The room closer to them was Stuart's. He was inside it when Russel knocked on the door. From the inside they heard a low " Who's there?" but when the door opened Stuart's face changed. He sceamed in fear and then he entered some kind of coma, with an unexpressive face.

" 2D? Are you listening to me?" Russel quickly ran towards Stuart as he kind of frozen in fear. Steps were comming fast in their direction.

" What have we done? How are we going to wake him up?" Russelina looked worried.

" We have to hide the whale. Let's go." Russel grabbed the whale and both the drummers and the whale hid in his room.

Noodle and Guy entered the room and saw 2D in that coma state.

" 2D? What happened?" Noodle said has she shook him gently.

" Stuart?" Guy yelled but nothing happened. Not a single move. The satanists entered the room and saw Stuart emotionless.

" Wha' in Satan's name happened 'ere? Why is Faceache like tha'?" Murdoc said stepping closer to the singer.

" We don't know. When we got in here he was already like this." Guy explained. Murdon hitted Stuart's head but got no reaction.

" Hey! Look at this." He hitted the blue haired man's head again and he got no reaction. " He is like when I first hit him with my car."

" We should go talk to Stella." Guy suggested.

" Why should we go talk to Faceache?" Murdeen grumbled.

" Because she is like him." Noodle said pointing to the vegetabilised 2D. "And she must know what we should do."

Guy left the room and called Stella. She was in her room messing around with some papers. She went to Stuart's room and was shocked by seeing him like that.

" Hey Faceache. He broke. Can you fix him?" Murdeen said in a hateful mode.

Stella stepped closer to Stuart. She shook him and stood there looking at him. She admired his black holed eyes and his blue hair. Finally she stood up and left the room.

" Where are ya goin'?" Murdoc yelled. " Aren't ya goin' to help him?"

" I'll be back in a sec." Stella said comming back moments later with some painkillers.

" He isn't in pain, dullard. He is in bloody coma. How are ya goin' to help him with that?" Murdoc yelled.

" When I was in Plastic Beach I got like this when I saw a... whale." Stella said shaking in fear of that memory. " When tha' happ'ned I used to take pills. Watch." The singer shoved the pills in Stuart's mouth. He swallowed the pills and began blinking his black holed eyes.

" Wot Happ'ned?" Stuart asked seeing everybody around him smiling, even the satanists.

" You don't remember?" Noodle asked.

" The last fing I remember is Russel and ... a whale!" Stuart replied shaking.

" Then we have to go talk to him!" Murdoc said getting out of the room and walking towards the machine's room. He knocked on the door but no one was inside. Guy turned around and saw the two drummers. 

" There they are!" Guy said and everybody turned and saw them.

" RUSSEL! Wha' was tha' idea of almost killin' my Faceache? Only I can do it!" Murdoc yelled.

" It was meant to be a prank but he got too scared. I'm sorry. It was my idea." Russelina said ashamed.

Murdoc looked to her and walked away. " Don't ya have to fix the machine?" He grumbled.

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