Chapter 11

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Gorillaz woke up next to a broken Hip Hop machine. 

"Where are we?" Noodle said, rubbing her head as 2D helped her standing up. Murdoc looked through the room's window. Kong was surrounded by a beautiful park full of trees and people hanging out instead of the shadowy graveyard and all the spirits and walking corpses.

" We are not home yet. Let's find the other us so we can explain what happened." Russel suggested leaving the room. That dimension's Kong Studios was different from the other dimensions. The walls were painted in white and the atmosphere of that place was more joyful than the others. Suddenly, they hear someone screaming from down the hall. They follow the sound and found two women, one of them yelling to some cats so that she could scare them.

" I told yew three thousand and fifty times! Yew can't bring any cat you find to the studio." A blue haired woman yelled to a short black haired woman.

Murdoc knocked on the room's door. " Hello ladies. I..."

" Who are yew and who invited yew over?" The blue haired lady asked looking deep into his eyes still yelling.

" We are Gorillaz. We came from another dimension through Russel's Hip Hop Machine and we ended up here." Noodle answered recieving a cold glare from the lady.

" And who asked yew, shorty?" The blue haired lady growled.

" Patty, please. Try to be a little less... rude." The other lady said in a soft voice.

" Okay. And stop calling me that! So yew said yew are Gorillaz from another dimension. That can't be scientifically possible."

" We are Gorillaz too. I'm Niccole Murdocs, the singer, she is Patricia Stuarts, the bassist, and then we have Abby Russel, our guitarist, and Eldon, our little drummer."

" And the only men around this band." Patricia said. " I'm goin' to my room so don't mind knocking on the door 'cause I won't open." She left throwing her hair to the side so that it could hit Murdoc's face.

" You will have to excuse her. She has always been like that since I remember. So, you have names?" Niccole asked.

" Yeah. I am Noodle, the guitarist, he is Russel Hobbs, the drummer, Stuart Pot, our singer, and this green guy here is Murdoc Niccals, the bassist."

" And leader of this band." Murdoc added.

" Funny! Your names are ours reverted." Niccole pointed out.

" Are yew going to summon demons with him?" 2D asked scared.

" Good God, no. Are you a satanist?" Niccole asked Murdoc, who simply noded embarrassed. " Please, don't summon any for the love of God! I made a pact with Him that for exchange of a beautiful voice I would never contact with demons."

" Ya don't summon demons, hey? Are ya even famous around 'ere?" Murdoc asked with an evil grin.

" We... no. We are not famous." The black haired lady said quietly.

" Ya are not! Wha' kind of Gorillaz are ya! We have to do something about tha'." The satanist grabbed her hand and walked to the rec room.

Noodle, Russel and 2D stood in the midle of the hall. 

" Aparently, everyone 'ere is the opposite of the new guys, Niccole. Niccole?" Patricia walked to the room. " Where's tha' gurl now?" She asked to the other Gorillaz.

" Murdoc went with her to the rec room." Russel said.

" What have you said? We are the opposite?" Noodle asked confused.

" Yeah. For example, yew are a japanese gurl and we have a boy instead but he is not as cheerful as yew. Tha' big man is looked like Abby but she is desinterested and is always apart from the band, the green guy is like Niccole but the opposite religion and your copy of me is not as smart as me and is less..."

" Rude?" Stuart asked.

" No, fashionable and ..." Patricia vaunted but Russel cuted her speech.

" Too vainglorious. You are telling us that we are different from you and you are not famous?"

" Yeah, yew can sum it up like tha'." The woman said leaning on 2D's shoulder. " If yew don't mind I will go away and don't bother me or I will kill anyone who is between me and my precious sleep."

" But we are in the middle of the afternoon." 2D replied.

" Yew are really a dullard, aren't yew?" She hitted the back of his head and walked to her room.

" She really is like Mudz but looks like me." Stuart said rubbing his head.

" She said they are not famous here. Maybe it is because they are not as a team as we are." Noodle said.

" Maybe. Let's try to do it this way. You, 2D, will help Niccole with the singing, Noodle, you will try to cheer up their guy and Murdoc will have to take care of that grumpy lady. I will try to find what's wrong with Abby and make her care a little more about the band. Deal?"

" Yeah, I s'ppose." Stuart replied as Noodle ran down the hall trying to find the japanese guy.

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