Chapter 12

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Noodle ran down three halls trying to find the other japanese guy but couldn't find him. Where could he be? Noodle then remembered the only place she hadn't looked: the roof. She rushed upstaires and got to the roof. It had a beautiful view of the park that surrounded Kong and the city. Suddenly she heard footsteps and turned around, facing a small guy looking to her in an uncomfortable way.

" Who are you and how did you get here?" He asked with his voice trembling.

Noodle stepped closer and streched her hand towards him. " Hello, I'm Noodle." The guy cowered and covered his face, trying to protect himself from whatever the stranger could do to him.

" Please, don't hurt me." The japanese guy whimpered.

" I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you." Noodle layed her hand on his shoulder.

" H-help me? H-how?" He asked looking to the girl in front of him.

" First, you could tell me your name, then we could just talk."

" About what?"

" Everything you want!" Noodle turned and walked towards the roof's edge. " Your life, your problems, your fears." Noodle sat down on the edge of the roof and dangled her legs as she looked down to the park.

" I'm Eldon." He said walking afraid if he would fall from the roof and have a tragic death. " I was supposed to be Eden like the place God created but Patricia started calling me Eldon and the name stuck." Eldon said behind Noodle.

" Come sit next to me. I don't bite... a lot." She started laughing as the scared boy sat down next to her. " Now, tell me about your life here, your mates, your hobbies."

" Okay. If you insist..." Eldon said as Noodle listened carefully as he talked about his past and how he got there, the same that happened with her.


Russel walked to the kitchen and found a woman like him but much skinnier and with a long black hair. She turned around and got scared when she saw him, dropping a glass of water.

" Sorry if I scared you. Let me help you." Russel helped her catching the broken glass. " I'm Russel, by the way."

" Abby." She replied with a depressed look. " What are you doing here? Did someone invited you?"

" No, we came from another dimension because of the Hip Hop Machine and we need your help to fix it."

" Wait, "we"? You brought more friends with you? Sorry to disappoint you but I can't fix the machine. I don't know how." Abby left the kitchen and started heading to the stares.

" I have a blueprint of the machine. You could help me fix it."

" No, I can't. If you want go talk to Patricia. She is the intelligent one, she can help you."

" But she don't know what it can do. I know you know what that machine can do." Russel said, making her stop in front of the stares.

" Fine, I'll help you. But it's just because you won't stop bothering me. Meet me in its room." She said going upstares, shaking in fear.


2D headed to the rec room and heard yelling from the inside. It was Murdoc that was complaining about Niccole's music and her singing. 2D entered the room.

" Ya guys are trash! Ya music is complete garbage and ya singing, terrible. We could summon demons with your music." Murdoc yelled as he broke some CD's.

" I can help 'er Mudz." Stuart said, stepping closer to the woman.

" Fine, I can't stay 'ere with 'er. She is terrible at singing. No wonder they are not famous." Murdoc said kicking a chair.

" I think yew can help Patricia with the bass." Stuart suggested.

" I 'ad a wonderful idea. Ya help 'er and I will help the other girl and maybe they can be successful. I'm such a genious!" The satanist said getting out of the room and walking down the hall.

" So, Niccole, let's start... listening to yew singing to... see what we can do?" Stuart hesitated.

" Okay, but I have no musics." Niccole said, looking to all the broken CD's.

" Then we sing one of our songs. Maybe it will be better?" Stuart said, scribbling some music's lyric on a blank paper sheet as he singed the music quietly.


Murdoc knocked on Patricia's room door.

" I'm not 'ere. Go away." A voice came from the inside but Murdoc kept knocking on the door and suddenly the door opened and showed a messy room and a even more messy patricia with a bass on her hands.

" Wha' do yew want? If yew are 'ere just to bore me then yew can go fuck around outside.

" I can see tha' ya play bass. Can I see what ya can do with tha' to help ya band reach the stardom?" Murdoc said between a large grin and an unlit ciggarette.

" Yeah, okay." Patricia said letting Murdoc enter her room. It was even messier from the inside. Clothes, paper sheets, ciggarettes. Murdoc patted his pockets to find his lighter.

" Ya 'ave light?" Murdoc asked. The woman streched a hand to a pile of clothes and threw a small lighter at Murdoc. He lit the ciggarette and then threw the lighter to a pile of smashed paper sheets. He grabbed it and started analysing the melodies wrote on it. It was just like the ones from " Clint Eastwood".

" Wha' ya 'ave 'ere is pretty good. Why don't we try it but a little different?" Murdoc asked grabbing a pencil and changing some notes. " There, try it now."


Russel was already waitting when Abby arrived.

" You already here? Why do you care so much about fixing the dammed machine?" Abby growled.

" Because my band deppends on that to go back home and they believe that I can fix it." Russel said, making Abby depressed by the confidence the band mates putted in him.

Both of them entered in the room but only Russel worke hard to fix the machine while Abby bombarded him with questions.

" Why do you even care about them? It's just some people." Abby said, messing around with her guittar.

" They are not some people." Russel replied, looking to the guitarist with a cold glare. " They are my family. I support and help them and they like me. They are a part of me. How can you be so cold hearted?"

" The same way Dell left me. I learnt that we can't trust anyone." Abby wiped a tear that ran down her face.

" He didn't left you, remember? Grim Reaper took him away from us. You can trust your band. they are the only people you can truly trust. If you were a little more comprehensive you could understand." Russel said in a threatening voice. He stood up and exitted the room. Abby looked to the floor to the blueprint and to her guittar and reflected on Russel's words.

" Can it be true?" Abby got up and exitted the room too.

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