Chapter 16 :

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A human being is part of the whole called by us "Universe"... a part limited in time and space.
He experiences his thoughts and feelings as separate from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his own consciousness.
This delusion is a prison for us restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature and its beauty.

~Albert Einstein~

But what if you can't see that beauty, and what if you aren't able to break free from that delusion...
But most of all what if you... aren't human?

13 year old Sebastian was walking in the streets of Tintern with his twin sister Nodi.
Together they were holding up a wooden bucket full of water.

Tintern was a small town on the edge of wales and England with nearly 750 people.

Everyone in town knew the 2 children, they were sweet, helpful and most of all really polite.
They were one of the highest believers in town, they were sure there was a god and they were sure that god knew he had to save a spot for them in heaven.

Their father was a good man but he was very sick, the family knew he wouldn't survive longer than 3 years.
Their mother was a sweet woman though everyone knew she wasn't completely clear in her head.

Sebastian and Nodi were walking home when the passed by a stand where they were selling flowers.

They knew the person behind the stand very well it was Ms. Kitty, she owned a flower store and 9 cats.

'Oh hello kids how are you doing today' She said when she saw Sebastian and Nodi.

Nodi smiled 'Good miss Kitty were just returning home to our mother' she said.

Nodi smiled 'Good miss Kitty were just returning home to our mother' she said

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Ms. Kitty saw the bucket of water 'Always helping your mother' she smiled 'You are good kids you know that' Ms. Kitty walked to the front of her stand and took some of the white roses she was selling, she turned around and placed them in the bucket they were holding.

'Give these to your mom, she is a good woman'.

Sebastian looked at the roses and looked at the coins in his hand 'I'm sorry miss Kitty but we can't pay for them, we were told to get bread, water and nothing else'

Ms. Kitty grinned 'Don't worry these are free' she winked and went back to stand behind her flower stand.

Nodi and Sebastian smiled and started walking back home

Their home was a small walk out of town, it was near the woods and looked cosy.
It had a black roof and was made of bricks, there were only 8 windows.
There was a willow growing next to the house, it was covering half of the roof.

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