Chapter 19: Jess

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"Come this way," Pete said, pulling me towards a bar. 

Live music could be heard coming from inside. It was one of those older, rustic looking pubs. We went in and the place was packed. All of the people had a drink in their hand and their attention towards the small stage at the back of the pub. 

"Pete, what are we doing here?" I asked. 

"I'll tell you in a minute. We need to find a table first." 

We weaved through people and found a tiny table in the corner that was barely big enough for two people. Pete managed to snatch two chairs for us and he went to go get us two beers. I observed the people within the pub. They were really enjoying hearing a teenage boy in a flannel shirt playing the guitar and singing a song I couldn't quite recognize. Pete returned with our drinks. 

"Thanks, Pete." 

"He's good, isn't he?" he asked, sitting down opposite me. 

I took a sip of the beer. "Yeah, he's pretty good." 

"You sing at all?" Pete asked. 

I chuckled. "I actually used to sing in a bar for a while." 

He smiled. "Oh really? Well, I want to hear a little something." 

I shook my head. "Oh, no, Pete, I really shouldn't." 

He wasn't accepting my refusals. "Nope, you're going." So when the song ended, Pete pulled me on stage and grabbed the mic. "Hello, everyone. This is Jess." 

He handed me the mic, leaning in to say, "Good luck". 

I grabbed the mic, put it on the stand and brought it over to the piano on stage. I looked out at the expectant crowd. Again, it was a very large pub so there weren't that many people, but enough to scare me a little. 

"Any requests?" I said into the mic. A bunch of people said some things all at the same time. One guy raised his hand in the back. "Yes, you sir," I said, pointing to him from the piano bench. 

He said, "Can you play 'She's Got A Way' by Billy Joel for my wife here?" He hugged the blonde woman sitting next to him as he asked. 

I paused, finding myself smiling rather answering right away. It was Nate's favorite song. I felt my muscles relax as my fingers felt the keys under the tips, and whispered, "Sure," into the mic and took a deep breath.


By the time I was done, everyone was clapping. 

"Thank you," I said. I had gotten flashbacks as I was singing and I was feeling so weird as I got off the stage. I took my seat again with Pete and downed the remaining beer in my mug. 

"That was fantastic!" Pete raved. I smiled and thanked him. "No seriously, I don't think you know how great that was! I mean, you really looked like you were feeling the song." 

I stopped and stared at the ground. "Yeah, I was," I mumbled. It was then that I realized that I needed to make this right. I stood up and said, "Pete, can you take me to the nearest airport?" 

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