Chapter Nine

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* Hello All! I finished my exam! YAY! so I will be updating regularly! The previous section was updated (remove it and add it from your library if viewing it on your phone). The WQ will be finished within the next few days*

"Langston." We said at the same time knowing who she was talking about.

"Yeah, it was odd because I originally thought he was Immortal but he said he was a Wizard."

"He had told us once that he was Immortal and a Wizard. It had been in one of our classes." Thomas reminded us and I nodded in agreement. Who would have guessed he was traitor?

"Yes." She nodded, pointing her finger at us. "I can see that you are Immortals because you don't have magic in you like we do but his isn't as vibrant as Abraxos. I don't know I told Andenson about it but he wouldn't listen. I told him that man was hiding something because I could feel it. They talked about a Queen a lot and an Heir. Now that I think about it, they were talking about you Iris."


"Ugh!" she sighed in frustration. "I wish I could remember it accurately because it happened so long ago but I remember Langston telling my brother that the Queen had been pregnant with his son before she had you."

"Brielle!" we exclaimed.

"Yeah, that they weren't sure if he was alive or dead but you were Aarons."

My jaw was open. There was someone else?

"Someone else that could claim the Immortal throne?" I snapped my mouth shut then whispered under my breath.

"No that is impossible. Only someone from the Royal family can claim the throne." Ezra waved it off like it didn't matter. "You are Aaron's only kid and the throne is yours. If Brielle did have another kid, he or she wouldn't have any claim over it."

"But why would Brielle have Langston's kid? That doesn't make sense." Thomas shook his head. "We thought Brielle loved Aaron."

"Nope remember Dr. Nan said they got married so she could protect him. She had to give birth no matter what. She may have figured out what Langston was up to and that's why she got killed. She got in the way of his plans. Langston adored Brielle but she may have pissed him off."

"Or pissed off Anika." We turned to Byron who was standing by the door. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest. I wondered how long he had been standing there. "I think Anika ended up getting her killed and Andrea finished her off."

"So if Anika isn't after the throne? That means that Langston is." Ezra laughed under his breath not believing what he was saying. "Okay I'm confused. I need some more food" he took off and headed for the kitchen.
"I am just as confused. Langston is Charles's father and you are Anika's grandson that makes him your uncle." Thomas turned to him. Byron and I locked eyes. Damn. "You are related to Charles."

In response, I jumped from my chair not knowing what to say.

Amelia reached for my hand and squeezed it but she subtly, pulled me back down so I could sit.

My voice was stuck in my throat not knowing what to say. I felt like I should have known. Part of me felt sudden revulsion that I had been with Byron for so long and the rest of me felt heartbroken.

"If you are related to Langston then what does he want with you?" Thomas turned to me with raised eyebrows. "He had Brielle, and she was murdered. Why you?" Ezra came in munching on something and with a cpule of stacked plates.

"Because the next born to Iris is a Mirror. Iris possesses the most powerful maternal gift and she will pass it on." Thomas got to his feet quickly. He turned to Byron. "I think you need to figure out what your grandmother wants, Byron."

"Maybe they want Byron to kill Iris." Ezra laughed under his breath.

"I was about to say the same thing." Byron's lips barely moved. "If I leave. I don't think I will come back." his eyes landed on me. I gulped, but nodded. "Can I speak with you? Alone?" his eyes fell to the ground. Amelia got up.

"Come on, boys. I have some maps to show you. We'll be in the Meeting Room." she took off with Ezra and Thomas.

"Since when did you know that you were related to Charles?" I asked him, annoyed and disgusted. He didn't approach me instead he stayed rooted to his spot.

"I've guessed it for awhile- now." Byron answered.

"And you didn't think that you should tell me?" I snapped up at him getting to my feet. "You and I have been sleeping together for months and you don't tell me that you are related to CHARLES! The same guy who tortured me for weeks."

"I thought it was best to keep it from you." Byron mumbled under his breath.

"You keep doing that. Again and Again. Who are you to keep things from me, Byron?" I shouted at him. I got up and without a single thought, walked towards him and and slapped him as hard as I could. "You are nobody." I breathed hard through my nose. "How dare you keep things from me? Byron, look at me." his face was still turned from me. I grasped his chin and made him meet my eyes. "I am sick of you and your secrets. You don't seem to care that what you keep from me actually hurts me."

"Iris I don't mean to. I am doing what I can to protect you. I'm doing it my way Iris. And I don't care how many lies I have to tell you or the secrets I have to keep from you. I will keep doing it because I swore that I would make you Queen." He grasped my face tightly in between his hands. "And I'm going to keep that promise. I'm going to betray my favorite for you."

"What family?" I spat back at him. "Nobody cares about you and they are going to use you to get what they want."

"I know." He lifted his eyebrows at me meaningfully. He hated his family and that has never been a secret. "And I'm going to go back to them for you."

"They are you your family. Charles is your Uncle. You didn't tell me." I seethed, taking his wrist and pulling his hand from my face. "I am not your toy anymore, Byron."

"You aren't my toy, Iris. I do love you but there are other things that get in the way."

"They always get in the way." I reminded him. "Go and see if you can figure something out."

"I might not come back, Iris." He reminded me. I nodded again but this time I met his eyes defiantly.

"Don't betray me, Byron. The moment I find out you have betrayed me I will have someone kill you. I promise you Byron."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Iris." He seemed to be taunting me almost like he was teasing me. I didn't like that the found me amusing.

"Betray me, Byron." I placed my hand at his neck, and wrapped my fingers around his neck squeezing it. "I will kill you personally and make you wish you'd never fell in love with me." I sank my fingers into his neck. Byron grasped my wrist and pinned my hands to my side.

"You don't scare me. You never have and you never will. You may be Queen but I know you, Iris. I know you better than anybody else, better than Taron ever did so don't threaten me with what you can't deliver."

"The first time I stabbed you. I did it on purpose and intentionally missed. I won't next time so don't underestimate me. Because I'll remember everything you ever did to me." he took my face and kissed me. I lifted my hand and elbowed him as hard as I could in the face.

"Go and remember what I told you." I pushed him away from me as he bled from his face. He backed away from me cleaning his face gently.

"I'llsee you, Iris." His green eyes sparkled as he turned on his heel and left. Ittook everything I had to not cry as he walked away because deep down I knewthat Byron could betray me for the right price.

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