Chapter Eleven

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The Minister closed the door behind him leaving us. I turned back to the table.

"I think you have made up your mind." The Druid Chief told me with lowered his eyes. "I can't convince you otherwise?"

"No you can't." I lowered my head respectfully to him but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were on the table. "I will have the Guard escort you to safe place, Chief. You have my word."

"You are backing out on your word."

"My parent's word." I told him, his head snapped up and his eyes narrowed. "I am not Brielle or Aaron. I'm doing the best I can given the circumstances I'm in. Please try to understand me. I have a small Guard as the Guardians have repeatedly told you." I was starting to lose my temper with him. Why couldn't he see things from our point of view too.

"Sir, I understand that you are frightened." The Chief jumped to his feet making Ezra and Thomas jump to theirs with their hands at their blades.

"Don't do anything you will regret Chief." Ezra warned him a low voice through clenched teeth. I put my hands on their arms so they could calm down.

"You are breaking centuries of ---of our alliance so you can play at being Queen?" the Chief snapped at us.

"Calm down." the Mer-King's voice rumbled loudly in the silent room. Even the Goblin Minister was gaping at us. His soldiers were standing on either side of him. Professor Curt was on his feet too. "Let's talk about this calmly."

"You are outnumbered. We are on the Queen's side." the Mer-King's calm voice rippled throughout the room.

"She isn't even Queen. Why are you all listening to this girl? She is going to get us all killed." He snapped at us. He walked around the table towards me making Thomas and Ezra rise again.

"We promised the old Queen that we would protect her daughter." Professor Curt answered stepping from behind his chair. "Iris will be taking her throne as soon as she can." His palms were facing outward as he stepped around the table slowly. The Druid Chief pressed his hands together and he walked behind me. I didn't turn my head instead I kept my eyes on Professor Curt who was following him around the table. Ezra and Thomas were standing on either side of me.

"You lack magical skills Your Highness." The Druid Chief sneered at me. The Mer-King met my eyes.

"Are you going to try to kill me?" I asked him not looking at him.

"Try?" the Druid Chief laughed. "Your Grace you have no magical skills do you think you can hold up against me?" he chuckled and seemed completely unnerved. "I'm learned in the Old Magic Your Grace. None of these men in here know that magic." He laughed, there was a sudden flash and I felt a hand around my neck pushing me downwards. I lifted my hands up in retaliation pushing Ezra off of me.

"Get off of me." I lifted my blade with blazing hands. There was smoke in the room which made it difficult to see. Ezra was behind me and Thomas was in front of me.

"Youare a weak Immortal and I should have killed you the moment you stepped foot onmy lands." The Chief's voice echoed in the room. "I saw things and I chose tonot believe them but you have failed me. You are going to get us all killed." There was a sudden flash of bright green light and fire erupted from my hands. There was a banging sound as the doors flew open drawing out the dense smoke in the room. In the middle was Queen Amelia with raised hands.

"I allowed you into my home with open arms." Her eyes were blazing brightly with green. Our heads turned to the Druid Chief who was gagging with his hands around his throat. "I do not like traitors." She brushed her hand aside and he was tossed against the wall.

"Holy shit." Ezra breathed and all could do was nod. Behind her was Rima and Eric.

"I think I'm in love." Ezra whispered making Eric's lips twitch.

"I told you, you should continue developing your skills with magic." Queen Amelia took a deep breath and lowered her hands placing them back down. "I will make sure our guest is taken to a cell."

"We can't keep him here." I told her sheathing my blade which made Ezra and Thomas do the same. "Let him go."

The Druid Chief was back on his feet but he was glaring at us.

"Chief go back to your people and make do with what you have." He opened is mouth but I put my hand up. "You have disrespected your host and you have disrespected me. I will no longer be supporting you in any way or form. Do not come to me again or my Guardians will punish you according to our laws. You chose to break our allegiance with your attack. You brought this on yourself." I turned nodding at Ezra and Thomas to follow me.

"Please escort the Chief off of our lands." Queen Amelia told the two soldiers flanking her. "Don't ever step foot on here again." she warned him. She turned to go and I followed her.

"I didn't know you knew Old Magic." Professor Curt told her. They all seemed awed by her. Even I was.

"You never asked." she turned her head to smile at us. Eric held out his hand, which she took. "Besides I still don't like Druids." She shrugged walking off with Eric. Ezra and Thomas chuckled under their breaths.

"Are you alright?" Taron and a few soldiers came running towards us. They stopped in front of us with confused faces.

"Fine." Queen Amelia called to him. "I dealt with it." Taron glanced at us but lifted his hand dismissing the soldiers.

"We will reconvene in the morning." I told everybody present. "Rest for the evening." Everybody departed for the evening.

"What happened in there?" Taron pulled me aside. He searched my eyes.

"Your sister is powerful." My lips barely moved. "Do you know Old Magic?" I asked him, he held out his arm which I took. He led me down the hall up to the tower where my room was.

"Some. I figured our mother would have taught her but I never got that kind of training." Taron answered, I turned to look at him. "Byron is gone. He took my favorite horse." I rolled my eyes at him. Taron grasped my hand and turned to me.

"Are you sad? You don't look like it." he tried to smile at me but I pulled my hand from his hold which only made him take it again. He lifted my hand to my face and I tilted it away from him so he wouldn't touch me.

"I'm not sad. He needed to go." he leaned downwards towards me.

"No." I turned my face from Taron. He placed the tip of his fingers under my chin. "No." I protested but he didn't drop his fingers from me. His other hand was digging into my side.

"Are you choosing him?"

"Neither one of you." My eyes met his dark ones. "He disappointed me and so did you." I took his fingers from my face but he grasped my chin tightly. He pressed his lips against mine.

"I didn't disappoint you." He lips brushed mine as he spoke. "I don't keep things from you like he does. You are disappointed in yourself for always listening and forgiving him because he keeps doing it to you."

"I am." I struggled against his hold but he held me against the wall. His body pined me to the wall. "And I think the only way that I will stop loving him is the day that I have to kill him when he betrays me. Even then I might keep loving him." I lifted my burning hands up, and he released me. "Don't you ever touch me again until I find you." Taron's eyes widened, and he stepped away from me. I was about to call him back but I shut my mouth instead I turned to face the large open window to glance at the setting sun.

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