Chapter Twenty-Five

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As soon as we were packed, we started moving again with our eyes wide open.

Henri and Ezra were riding on either side of me. Henri hadn't said anything to us but I would keep my eyes on him.

"We can camp out for the night here." I told Max who took off to notify Ezra's Second and spread the news. I received birds from Dr. Nan and Darrio saying they had won their battles and would board their ships in two days. Darrio was also sending Thomas back as soon as they were boarded.

Ares burned the notes, and I wrote to Taron. We decided it was best that Henri stay with me. He was more than capable of commanding his own army. I left out the part of Byron's threat. He would get pissed off and want to head back to meet with us.

Ezra was going to stay with me at night. I wasn't able to sleep much thinking about what Byron had said to me.

"Calm down." Ezra handed me some tea to help relieve some stress. Henri was also in the tent with us. He was seated by the entrance with his knives out.

"What if he is out there?"

"I don't think Byron would hurt you." Henri finally said something. Ezra and I turned to him with disbelieving faces. "That's low and too disgusting even for him. Where is Thomas?" he shot up from his chair.

"I don't know he should be here soon." I mumbled.

"What did he say to you about Thomas and Ezra?" Henri poked his head out of the tent and closed it.

I quoted Byron.

"They are going to get to the Guardians first. They kill the Guardians. They kill you." Henri realized and I gasped nodding.

"Eos get Thomas now." I told her and she took off. "Ezra you need to go. Now. As soon as Thomas is here. You need to go."

"I can't leave you." Ezra protested. "I'm your First Guardian. Your Guard Commander." He grasped my hand tightly.

"Yes but they kill either one of you. I'm vulnerable so you guys need to head to find Dr. Nan. Stay with him. I've got Max and Henri. that will be good enough."

"Your Grace." Max came shouting in. "We've got company." He shouted, ringing the alarm. Ares appeared and he send me images. We were surrounded.

"We fell into a trap." I gulped realizing what had just happened. "Set up the defense." I told him. "Ezra go. Slip out of here." I told him but he shook his head. Thomas appeared in front of us with Eos.

"Both of you. Go." I pushed Ezra towards Thomas who refused to bulge. "Now. I've got this." I started to slip my chest plate with shaking hands. "You two can't die." I was shaking so bad that I couldn't tie anything. Max ran back in and helped me.

"Deep Breaths." Thomas told me. "Iris we can't leave you."

"Go to Dr. Nan and stay with him. We know what happens if you die. I won't be of any use." Matthew came in already in full armor. "I'll be down."

"Do as she says." Matthew nodded in agreement. "That's how Aaron fell. They killed his Guardians and he was out. I'll take care of her." Bad thing about being about being the Heir was that I attached to my Guardian and I could easily by incapacitated if they were hurt because I would feel it. On the other hand good thing about being attached to Guardians, I was attached two to of the most powerful Immortals. Whatever was being planned was for Ezra and Thomas.

Thomas and Ezra looked at each other.

"I promise." He reassured them. Thomas grasped Ezra's arm and they disappeared.

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