Chapter Twenty

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"That was tense." Ezra sighed as soon as they were gone. They each had their orders and I had done my best to keep them from interfering with each other. "I thought they were going to kill you when you threatened them." Ezra sighed falling into a chair with a hand on his heart. "I almost had a stroke."

"That was a good move." Dr. Nan nodded appreciatively. "They need to understand they aren't in charge. If they sense weakness they will take advantage."

"I just hoped I made the right choice." I rubbed my temples trying to relive some of the pressure. King Darrio grasped my shoulders.

"Good job. The vampires are perfect for finding information that we need and they can work best at night. The wolves are stealthy creatures and that was a good choice to keep them around Goblin lands. Henri and Amelia have just become targets."

"Yeah well I had to keep them out of the battlefield because once blood starts to spill they will not be able to control themselves, treaty or not." I sighed with relief glad they were okay with the decisions I had made.

"Let me go inform my brother about what just happened. My head is still spinning from the wolves and the vampires." Eric got up with Amelia so they could walk out together. Henri stayed back with me and we continued to plan. We had maps spread out on the tables. We are trying to figure out the best way to move such a large army towards England. The surrounding water was going to be a disadvantage us.

"Move the Guard first." Henri told Ezra who was frowning down at the map. "The Officers can go with you, Iris. Taron and the Warlocks can go in with you and I'll take the Goblins from the North end." He was pointing at the map of England adding pins where we would be positioned. "We go can in from the North and the South."

"No." I shook my head not agreeing with his plan. "We need to go in from all sides. Taron goes in South. You take half and Ezra and Thomas can lead the other half. You lead them North. Ezra and Thomas come in East and I'll lead the Guard West."

Their heads all snapped up at the same time.

"Absolutely not." Dr. Nan protested his face had gone ashen. He looked like he was about to have a heat attack. "I'll lead the attack from the West side. You will go in with the biggest and that is with the Warlocks and you keep the Officer with you."

"No." I protested meeting his eyes. "I have to be at the front line leading the Guard."

"I said no." Dr .Nan cleared his throat. "Can we have the room? Abraxos, Ezra and Thomas you can stay." Everybody cleared out. King Darrio closed the door behind him.

"I need you to concentrate on the task at hand. Your throne is important and I need you alive." He slammed his hand on the table. "You are not going to risk your neck."

"Viktor said-" I countered.

"Viktor is dead." he shouted back at me losing his patience. "He is gone and that leaves as your only living relative. Your primary Counsel and I do have some say in this Iris. I was in the Guard and I know a thing or two about war."

"I am not underestimating you. Isn't it better to have someone from the royal family fighting? The King usually-"

"You have no King." Dr. Nan reminded me rather irritated. He was right so I shut my mouth. "You are a Queen and your primary duty when you get married will be to have an Heir."

"Franklin." Professor Curt cut him off from continuing.

"You should be thinking of marriage." Dr. Nan ignored him. He was glowering up at me. Even though he was shorter than I was he was intimidating.

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