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To quote Halsey " you were red and you liked me cause I was blue... You touched me and suddenly we were a lilac sky and you decided purple just wasn't for you"

You and I were friends but then something changed... You weren't who you made me think you were

You played me... Made me a fool.

Made me see one thing while everyone around me saw another.

They warned me and warned me. Telling me "this isn't good... This is gonna go bad. We only tell you cause we care"

I told them they were wrong. Because I was blinded.. by an image. A memory you put in my mind... You told me lies. Had me telling myself lies.

Thinking "Someone. Loves me. The only person who will ever love me"

You made me think and feel like I was worthless and didn't deserve anything else...

Well that's little girl you pushed off the edge learned she could fly
She can soar.

These changes have helped me love ME.

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