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Hey there, my names Stiles well actually thats not my real name its just the name i tell people so know one will find out who i really am. Do you wanna know who i am? Of course you do who doesn't my name is Genim Mikaelson yep Mikaelson i'm part of the original vampire family thats over 1000 years old. I'm surrounded by my friends that are supernatural but they don't know that i'm a vampire.

And to be honest i'm not really sure that their my friends i mean yeah they might act like it but i know the truth they only think of me as the pathetic human of the pack who can't do anything. They constantly leave me out of things and i know what your gonna say Genim are you sure? YES i'm sure because i may have pretended to be a spy last weekend and watch them. I texted Scott asking if he wanted to hang out and he told me that he was sick and didn't want anyone catching it off him. He probably thought i was so stupid like he's a werewolf he can't even get a little cold and plus i was outside his HOUSE as i was texting him and guess what i found. I found a perfectly fine Scott,Lydia,Derek,Kira,Issac,Malia,Liam and ALLISON!! I mean come on Allisons human but i guess since shes a hunter she's strong and useful. I still haven't told them yet that i was watching them but only one person knows that i was which was Liam. You see while i was watching Liam was texting me saying how Scott was fine and i told him that i knew and was watching. It turns out that Liam is the only one i see as a friend anymore.

But lets get off that subject my 'pack' and i and some of the other students are going to New Orleans for a field trip for a few weeks and i'm happy i mean i build bloody New Orleans it will be good to visit again. But that leads s to where we are now on the bus i'm sitting next to Liam which i was happy about. Scott was next to Kira, Allison to Issac and Lydia and Malia. Anyway i gotta go we're nearly there.

I'm A Mikaelson Not A StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now