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So the ride was going pretty well so far Liam and i were having fun well that was until Liam showed me the messages Scott had sent.

S-Scott. L-Liam

S-Hey are you ok up there with Stiles?

L-Yeah why?

S-Its just i've been there he's very boring 


S-You know Stiles? The weak human of our pack that he seems to think he's in. I'm just saying sorry if you wanna claw out your heart of boredness.

I actually couldn't believe what i was reading, i thought Scott was my best friend i guess not. "Are you ok?" Liam asks. I quickly put my finger up to my lips and then pointed to my ears signalling that they could hear us. I mouthed 'later' to Liam and he nodded.

The bus finally came to a stop and everyone piled out although i feel sorry for coach he kind got trampled but don't worry he got right back up. "Thanks you little bastards." I muttered causing me to chuckle. "Alright you guys know where the motel is you have your keys so you can go exploring but don't get drunk." Coach said and basically with that everyone ran.

Liam and i had been walking around for a little over an hour when he got a text from Scott which he allowed me to read again.

S-Hey come to the motel we're having a pack meeting

L-Yeah sure you want me to bring Stiles?


Wow that hurt a lot. "I'll stay is you want." Liam says. "No he doesn't know that i know so you gotta act normal." I reply. "Ok see you later Genim." I says. Okay i may have told Liam about me but he swore not to tell anyone and i trust him. "Later Liam." I reply.

So here i am walking around by myself. I didn't really know where else to go but to my familys house that we build. Its pretty easy to recognise seeing as though it has the letter M all over it. I walk in and i'm faced with a bunch of baby vamps. "Who the hell are you?" One asked. "If you wanna live i suggest you leave." Another said. Ok that one made me burst into laughter. "Go ahead young ones you won't leave a scratch on my body." I reply with my British accent. They begin getting ready to fight but are interrupted by a blond walking out looking pissed. Rebekah. "Whats with all the bloody racket?" I yells. I smirk as she turns to face me. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. "Genim? Is that you?" She asked. "Hello little sister." I reply. We both run up pulling each other into a tight hug. Rebekah,Kol and i were definitely closer to each other then we were to our other siblings. We pull out of the hug. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "On a school field trip for a few weeks." I reply. "Are you really at school brother?" She asks. "Oh you can't talk look at that quarter back football player you were snogging in Mystic Falls." I say and she gives me a confused look. "I've kept up little sister." I reply. "Come on lets go see our other brothers." She replies pulling me into the house.

"Boys get your arses down here!" Rebekah yells at the top of her lungs. "Must you be so loud sister?" A voice from behind says. We turn to see Kol walking in our eyes meet and both straight away hug. "I've missed you Genim." He says. "And i you." I reply. Klaus and Elijah came out and i also got hugs from them oh and i met Hayley and Hope. After that i spent the rest of the day telling my siblings what i'd been up to and i had ended up staying the night because i had no one to share a room with at the motel and plus i was with family so i could technically do it.

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