The Original Spy

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Hey guys, so before i start this chapter i just wanna say thank you so much for all the positive comments i've gotten on this book. I really didn't think one of my books would get this popular! I am enjoying writing this so much and i will try to make it go for as long as i can. I will try to make my updates faster but i'm not sure because i do also have other books that i am enjoying writing. 

I have some other books with Teen Wolf and The Originals. But their not exactly together but they are crossed over with other things so if you like you could go check them out and tell me what you think. Anyway thats enough on this. Lets get on with the chapter!



The new vampires had already woken up. We gave them some blood and let them get settled in. They seem to be taking it ok... but if they don't like it oh well. 

I'm reading a book when Freya walks in. "i have a fantastic idea." She says. I look to her. "Which is?..." I ask. "We need a spy to know the packs every move." She says. "Even if we sent Liam there they wouldn't trust him." I reply. "Which is why we need someone from the pack." She says. I sigh. "They would never leave Scott." I reply. "But what if they weren't in their right mind." She says. I lift my eyebrow. "Are you suggesting what i think you are sister?" I ask. "Perhaps." She replies. "And who is the volunteer for this?" I ask. "That would be me." I look over to see Kol walking in. "Huh. Well i like this idea very much." I reply. "Then lets start it." Kol says.


I stand Kol in the middle of the room, light candles and place them around him. "When Isaac comes to your body we'll place your body in your coffin and hide it from everyone." Genim says. "You sure you wanna do this?" I ask. He nods. I close my eyes and begin the spell. "Chanes iilona motaya canvaas." I say that 3 times. The light on the candles grow bigger. Kols eyes close and he starts to fall. Genim catches him before he hits the ground. "Freya what if he's with the back when Kol gets to his body?" Genim asks. "Don't worry Rebekahs on that." I say.


I'm walking through New Orleans. I had to get away from he pack for a few hours. All their talking about is killing the stupid Originals. Honestly they haven't really done anything to us so why are we trying to kill them? I walk past an alley way and i hear someone crying. A girl. Her back is face to me and she is on the ground. I quickly run over to her. "Hey are you ok?" I ask. She stops crying when she hears me. I go to turn her over when she quickly stands up and holds me against the wall. I'm confused until i see her face. "Rebekah?" I ask. She smiles. "Hello Isaac. Terribly sorry for whats about to happen." She says. I look at her in confusion. Suddenly my vision starts to get blurry. My body starts to shake and then everything goes black.


I watch as his body begins to shake. His eyes go black and he falls to the ground. I wait there for a few minutes. I then hear a gasp for breath. I look down and see him look up. "Kol?" I ask. He looks up at me and smirks. "Hello Bekah." He says. I smile and help him up. "So how does you feel?" I ask. "I feel weak. I hate being a werewolf." He says. "You'll get used to it." I say. He rolls his eyes. "Now go and see what the pack is up to." I say. He smirks and says. "My pleasure."


I walk back to the motel and go into the same room as before. "Isaac where have you been?" Scott asks. "Just walking around." I say. They all nod. "So what have i missed. "We were just talking about how we're gonna kill they Originals." Allison says. I have to keep myself from laughing. Do they really think they can kill us. "How?" I ask. "All vampires are killed by stakes." Scott says. He pulls out an ordinary stake. "So who are you killing first?" I ask. "The one we met first. Stiles." He says. "Sounds like a plan." I say. They all smile. "Listen i might go out again. I don't think i got enough fresh air." I say. They all nod and i walk out.

I walk back to the Mikaelson manor and see my siblings who are around my body. "What have i missed?" I ask. They all look at me. "Just waiting for this idiot to wake up." Nik says. All of a sudden i see my bodys eyes open. "Looks like you got your wish." I say. Isaac turns to me. At the sight of seeing his own body he yells in fear. "Hello Isaac." I say. "What do you want with me?" He asks. "Nothing." I say. I see Genim slowly start to pick up my dagger. "Hey Isaac." He says. Isaac turns to him. "I've waited to do this for a long time." He says. He them plunges the dagger in my well Isaacs heart. He yells in pain but gets quieter when his skin starts to desiccate. He then drops to the ground. "Go hide him somewhere. I have to get back to the pack." I say. I smirk and walk out. Oh this is gonna be so much fun.

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