Wakey Wakey Big Brother

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"Well now that thats done i have an idea." Rebekah says. "Which is." Nik asks. "We may have this lot of new vampires with us but we need someone stronger alot stronger." She says. My eyes widen slightly as i realise who she's talking about. "You cannot be serious Bekah." Kol says. "Well i am. He may hate us but like the rest of us he will protect us." She replies. "We are not waking Finn do you understand me sister." Nik asks pointing to Rebekah. "You sound like your scared of him." She says. "Not so much scared i just don't want to have to have him walking around making me bored." Nik replies. "Nik." He turns to me. "Its not such a terrible idea. He's stronger then this bunch." I say looking down at the boys on the ground. "I must agree with Rebekah and Genim. He won't see his family get destroyed." Elijah says. We all look at Nik who looks like he's thinking really hard. "If he doesn't help us. Its back in the box understand?" He asks. We all nod. "Then lets go get him." He says and we all walk upstairs.

We get to a room which is stored with coffins. All are opened except for one. Klaus walks over to the closed one and opens it revealing my oldest brother with a dagger in his heart. Klaus turns to us for a few seconds. "Don't make me regret this." He says before turning back to Finn. He grabs the dagger and pulls it out, placing it on the table next to him. "Time to wake up big brother, i'm afraid we need your help." Nik says. 

"This is gonna take to long." Freya says. "Of course it will he's been sleeping for 900 years." Rebekah says. "Then i'll make it speed up." Freya says. She starts chanting  a spell. I look at Finns body to see he's starting to go back to his normal colour. She continues until he's fully normal. She stops chanting and we hear a gasp for air. We turn and see Finn sitting up in his coffin. "Hello brother." Klaus says. Finn turns to Klaus and glares. "Niklaus!" He yells before tackling him to the ground. "Hasn't even been up 30 seconds and he's already fighting with Nik." Kol says. "Its a new record." Rebekah says. Elijah walks over and breaks them apart. "How dare you dagger me!" Finn yells. "Oh shut up! Be happy i even took it out!" Klaus yells back. "Both of you shut up!" I yell. They both stop and turn to me. "Genim?" Finn asks. "Hello Finn." I say. He then looks at Freya. "Are my eyes deceiving me?" He asks. "No they aren't you remember Freya." Elijah says. Finn instantly hugs her. They were close when they were kids. They pull away and he turns to Liam. "And who are you?" He asks. "This is Liam. Our new brother." Rebekah says. They both shake each others hands. "Nice to meet you." Finn says. "Likewise." Liam replies. "Now i know you need something why else would you pull the dagger out." Finn says. "Lets just say a pack of werewolves want to kill us." I say. His eyes widen. "Would you like to help us to prevent this?" Liam asks. "Of course."

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