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I walk as fast as i can to the Mikaelson manor. I walk in and find my siblings sitting reading books. "I think i'm gonna need therapy after this is over." I say. They burst out into laughter. "It can't be that bad." Finn says. "All they talk about is killing us. And the worst part is they only plan to do it with ordinary stakes!" I yell. "It must kill you not to say anything." Elijah says. I nod. "Liam and i know how you feel. Trust me." Genim says. "Yep. The weird thing is he'll say that its bad to kill people but he's trying to kill us." Liam says. "This is what i mean! When do i get out of this body?" I ask. "You did this on your own free will." Rebekah says. "Yes well i'm deeply regretting it." I say. "I don't blame you brother. I wouldn't want to be in your position." Nik says. I roll my eyes. "Don't worry Kol when this is all over i'll put you back in you own body." Freya says. I nod. "Better get going. Don't want the pack to be suspicious." Genim says. I nod and walk out.


When Kol walked out i looked over to Liam. "Come on Liam lets see how the newbies are." i say. Liam and i get up and walk up to a locked room. I unlock it and we both walk in. There on the ground sit Kye, Alex, Lucas, Harry, Riley and Brett. They look at us. "Can i talk to them?" Liam asks. I look at him. "Sure." I whisper. I walk out and close the door behind me. I walk out of the manor to start the next plan.


I walk over and sit down infront of them. "Hey." I say. "Hey? Thats all you have to say?" Lucas asks. "I'm being nice. Be grateful." I say. "Why did you turn us?" Alex asks. "You could have told everyone. Exposed us!" I say. "How would you know?" Harry asks. "You were humans that just found out about the supernatural of course you would tell." I say. "Not humans anymore." Kye says. "But your stronger, faster, better." I say. They slightly smile at my words. "I'm gonna tell you story. About a young teenager whos life was filled with bullies. And how his life went on." I say. They turn to me and i start to tell my story.


I walk into the motel room and find the rest of this stupid pack. They each have stakes in their hands. I pick up one for myself. I get out my phone and text Genim.

G-Genim      K-Kol

K-You ready?


K-Then lets start the plan


The pack is chatting to each other when someone comes to thee door. They all stop and look to see Genim. I smirk knowing they can't see. "Nice weapons you have there." He says. "Thanks their gonna be the way you die." Scott says. He smirks. "You can't kill me." He says. Time for my part. "We can sure as hell try." I say. Genim turns to me still smirking. "Is that all Isaac?" He asks. "No its not." I say. I run toward him and jam the stake in his heart. I hear gasps behind me. Genim and i smirk at each other. His body starts to desiccate and he drops to the ground.

I turn to the pack. They all have smiles on their faces. Really? Assholes! "You killed him!" Scott says cheerfully. I smile. "He wasn't even difficult! They'll all be dead in no time." Allison says. "End of the week if we're lucky." Lydia says. "End of tomorrow more like it." Kira says. "I'm gonna take his body to his house." I say. They look at me with confusion. "It'll send a message." I say. "Then maybe they'll give Liam back." Scot says. I nod. "Go ahead but don't let them catch you." He says. "Don't worry. They wont." Of course they won't i'm their brother idiots.

I get to the manor and place Genims body on the couch. "Their gonna be in for a shock when they see he's alive." I say. "Just imagine when they find out your not Isaac." Rebekah says. I smile. "You always find a way to make me smile Rebekah." I say. "Its what little sisters do." She says. "I better get back i'll see you soon." And with that i walk out.


When i finish telling my story their jaws are on the floor. "So we need your help. Will you do it?" I ask. They smile. "After everything we've done. We owe you." Harry says. I smile. "Thanks. You know i think were gonna be friends." I say. the nod. This might go well.

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