New Hybrid

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Yet again all the boys in the locker room were pushing me around. I hate them all what did i do to deserve this? "Come on Dunbar stop being a wimp." One of my main bullies Riley says. I just stayed on the ground not moving at all. "Looks like he's not gonna move boys." Riley says to his friends. Apart from Brett  who was also one of Rileys friends. Riley would be on my case 24-7 and it sucked. He and his friends put a few kicks and punches into me and left me on the ground bleeding out.


I woke up gasping for air granted i hadn't been breathing in like a few hours. "Welcome back!" Stiles says from the couch he is sitting on. "How you feeling?" He asks. "Thirsty." I answer. "Yeah we know the feeling come on we're gonna get you someone." Stiles says. "Who?" I ask. "I saw your dream. I hear Devenford Prep is meant to be arriving today." He replies with a smirk "I have a good idea about who you want."We walked down the streets when we see the bus pull up. "This is my que." Rebekah smirks. 


I walk toward the bus where many students are getting out. Liam gave me a good description of Riley to find. When i see him i get out my phone and walk with it in my hand pretending to be distracted. I 'accidentally' bump into him and i can see he's about to bitch about it until he see's my face and it suddenly changes. Horny bastard. "Sorry about that." I lie acting innocent. "Nah its fine whats your name babe?" He asks giving a flirty smile. Ugh yuck. I bring my body toward his acting sexy. "I'm Rebekah hot stuff. Whats your name?" I say. "Riley Andrews babe." He replies. "Damn Riley you got yourself a sexy babe!" One of his friends say. "Hey listen i know a great place thats really private wanna check it out?" I ask with a flirty smile. "Lets go babe." He replies.

I lead him into the forest where no one else is. The werewolves are in another part of the forest so we won't have to worry about that. "So you wanna get started babe?" He asks. "Actually first i'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Interested?" I ask. "Sure beautiful." He replies. After a few seconds Liam comes out from behind the trees. "Liam?" He asks. "Hello Riley how nice to see you." Liam replies. "I can make it nicer. Come here we can start off from where we left." Riley says holding up his fists. Elijah,Freya and Niklaus then come down and stand behind Liam. While he's distracted by them Genim and Kol come up behind him and grab his arms. "Actually you gonna help Liam with something." Kol says. Riley starts thrashing around trying to get out of my brothers grips but thats impossible. "And Liam don't drink him dry." I say. "Use your normal fangs to get in." Stiles says. Liam's eyes start to glow yellow and he gets his fangs. Rileys eyes grow wider then they've ever been. "Let go!" He screams begging for them to leave him alone. Liam bites into Rileys neck with no hesitation. Riley screams out in pain screaming for help. "There you go." Klaus whispers. Liam lifts his head revealing his new look. Golden eyes with red around the outside and veins right by his eyes.

Riley was now sitting on the ground holding his neck where it was bleeding. I walked up to him, wiped the blood away and covered the bite with his shirt. "Now Riley i want you to get all your closet friends and bring them to the Mikaelson manor." I say. "Why should i?" He asks trying to be tough. "Because if you don't we'll kill them, your family and you." i reply. "Okay i'll do it." He whispers. "Good you do know where the Mikaelson manor is right?" I ask. He nods yes. "bring them and don't say anything about us." I reply. He quickly gets up and runs away from us. "Welcome to your new" Stiles says to Liam.

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