Old Photos

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I feel amazing. I never thought it would feel like this. Scott gave me the bite but the Mikaelsons gave me immortality. They are literally my brothers and sisters. I actually call them that. We are family. Always and forever.

"Are they here yet?" I ask Rebekah. We were both at the top of the stairs waiting for Riley and his friends to show up. "It seems so." She replies. We hear the doors open and we look down to see Riley walk in looking scared as hell and his friends including Brett looking gobsmacked at the house. The others also come and stand next to us. We decided to play a little game. Genim and i vamp speed away outside before they could see us. We stayed there and listened in on their conversation.


"Would you look at that the messenger actually gave the message." Kol says. The boys look up at where we're standing. "Riley why don't you introduce us." I say. "No." He instantly says. "It wasn't a question." Nik says. I can tell that Riley doesn't want to be here in this position but he shouldn't have bullied Liam. "Kye, Alex, Lucas, Harry and Brett." He says pointing to all of them. I look at the one named Brett. I know instantly who he is. "Brett Talbot i've heard a lot about you." I say walking down the stairs and infront of him. My other siblings follow. "Really?" He asks. "Yes. But i must ask do your friends know about you?" I ask. He freezes in his spot. I smirk at his reaction. "I guess not." I say. "How do you know?" He asks clearly angry. "From my new brother and my other brother. You actually know them. You helped them fight and saved your packs." I say. "Packs? Brett what is she talking about?" Harry asks. "Stop giving them clues sister." Genim says. He and Liam then walk in at the same time. "Yes sister stop teasing and just tell them." Liam says. "Liam?" Kye, Lucas, Harry, Alex and Brett say at the same time. "Hey Brett been a while the last time we saw each other was when we stopped the deadpool right?" He asks. Brett nods. "Thought so but i'm more surprised that you guys remember me." Liam says. "How could we forget a dick like you." Alex says. Oh here we go. Liam's eyes go yellow and veins come under his eyes. The others freak out. Liam walks toward them but is thrown away by Brett who's wolfed out. His friends look at him in shock. "Thats better." I say.


"Vampires aren't real." Issac says. "Actually they are Issac." Deaton replies. He hands us a small silver box. "This is all the evidence i have of the originals." He says. I open the box and see its filled with papers and photographs. I pull out a piece of paper that looks very old. "Those were orders given by the lord Niklaus." He says. "That was one of their names." Allison says. "Yes this was written in the year 1492. They were royalty back then." Deaton replies. I put down the paper and grab a pile of photos. The photos i'm seeing are of a wall with strange drawings on them. "What are these?" I ask. "This is their story. How they came to the village. Their younger brothers death and the spell that turned them into vampires and much more." He says. I move that one to the back and come across a photo nearly the same but except its writing. "What do these say?" I ask. "Its viking script but in English it translates to Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Genim, Kol and Rebekah." He says. "Finn?" I ask. "The oldest original brother. Right now he's daggered and lying in a box waiting to be awakened by his family." Deaton says. Most the photos that i'm going through are like this. Just old drawings and writing. "There is a photo a want to show you Scott it was taken in 1917." Deaton says handing me the picture. I'm shocked at what i see. Stiles and the originals in what looks like a bar. I look on the back. It has writing on the back which says 'The Mikaealsons at Glorias bar 1917' "Its actually him." I say. "He's Genim Mikaelson."

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