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Genim is by the river next to their village. He loves that spot its the only place where he feels alone. "Out here again Genim." A voice said. Genim turned his head to see Rebekah and Kol. "I like it here whats the big problem?" Genim asked. His siblings sit next to him. "Father wants you to learn to wield baldes." Kol replies. "I don't want to wield a blade. I don't even want to fight i wanna be free." Genim replied to his brother. "Father will not like you saying that." Kol says. "Will you tell him?" He asks. "Of course not Genim its bad enough what he does to Niklaus we don't want that happening to you." Rebekah replies. "Thank you." Genim says smiling at his younger siblings. "So did you bring it?" He asks. Kol pulls out a small candle from his robes. "Don't worry sister mother will never know its gone." Genim says looking at a sceptical Rebekah. "Come on i want to learn some magic!" Kol whines. Genim smiles and lifts his hand up infront of the candle. It lights a small flame. "Thats so cool!" Rebekah says. Genim makes the flame go out. "Kol have ago." Genim says. Kol instantly puts his hand up trying to make the flame but nothing happens. "Kol you have to concentrate. Will the flame to come. Picture it in your mind." Genim says to his brother. Kol closes his eyes concentrating on the flame. It lights. "I did it!" Kol exclaims while Genim and Rebekah cheer.



Kol was always so fascinated with magic. Him and i we're the only ones in our family that could do it before we were turned into vampires. Honestly i hated the fact that we lost our magic i was pissed for about 12 years but then i got used to my vampirism and let it go but i think when Kol lost his magic apart of him got lost aswell. "Stiles? Stiles are you there?" Liams hand flew infront of my face snapping me out of my trance. "You alright?" He asks. "Yeah yeah i was just thinking about the time i taught Kol his first bit of magic." I reply. "Oh thats right you told me that your mother was a witch." He replies. "Yeah so we had magic too but when we became vampires we lost it." I say. "That would suck." He says. I was about to reply but Kols voice cut me off. "It was." He says walking into the room. "Genim and i fascinated with magic and nothing could stop us doing it." Kol sits down on the couch. "But all good things must come to an end." I say. "Theres nothing we could do about." Kol says. "Hey Stiles theres on thing i still get confused about." Liam says. "And whats that?" I ask. "Your immortal so how did Scott grow up with you as his childhood friend?" Liam asks. "Just because i'm not a witch anymore doesn't mean i didn't know any." I say smirking.


"Are you sure about this Mr Mikaelson?" The witch Holly asks. "Yes Holly i am and i've already found the perfect human to befriend." Genim replies. "May i ask who?" Holly asks. "His name is Scott McCall he doesn't have many friends but that will change." Genim replies. "Interesting choice Mr Mikaelson." She replies. "Actually Holly when i'm in Beacon Hills it'll be Stiles Stilinski." Genim replies. "As in sheriff Stilinski very smart i assume you have the whole family compelled?" She asks. "Don't i always. Now can we get on with the spell?" Genim asks. "Of course...Mr Stilinski." She replies.



"Holly was a very powerful witch. After that all i had to give her my blood and she granted my wish. I would age every year like a normal human being and then i befriended Scott." I explain. "I have to admit thats an amazing idea." Liam replies. "I know and now since your part of the family we could get a witch to freeze your age." I say. "Would i still be a werewolf?" Liam asks. "Yeah you would keep that its just you'd be stuck at this age." I explain. "I may take you up on that offer soon." Liam says smiling. "Who wants to go to the bar?" Klaus asks. Everyone nods and we get up and walk out.

Hope you enjoy this. Just a warning updates are gonna be slow because i live in Australia school has literally just started for me today was the first day back. But i will try to update when i get the chance.

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