Once Upon A Time

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Stiles POV

I look at the young humans in here and smirk. They all look completely terrified and they should be. "I suppose you all want an explanation." I say. They all nod frantically. "Well first off let me tell you that its much different then any other story you've heard. Ours is alot more darker." I say. They all look a little freaked out but that just makes me laugh. "It all started a thousand years ago. When a woman named Esther and a man named Mikael married and decided to have some children. Eight to be exact. However when the oldest child Freya was just four years old she was taken by her aunt as payment. You see their mother Esther was actually a witch and her sister Dahlia knew that the first born of witch generations wield great power. So she was taken. After she was gone Esther had the other six children. A big family of seven. The were actually told that Freya died of plague so they never knew the truth. But only six of the children belonged to Mikael." I say. "What?" Kye asks. "She had an affair with another man which led to little Niklaus being the bastard child. Abused by Mikael constantly. That was life them until the year 1114 when tragedy struck. See one night Niklaus and his youngest brother Henrik went into the woods. When the worst happened. Henrik was killed by a wolves." I glance over at Brett and he knows that i mean it was a werewolf. "Not wanting to bare another death of their child their mother Esther turned to dark magic. That night at dinner Mikael offered all the children wine. But what the children didn't know was that the wine was laced with blood. After each of them drank the wine Mikael then drove his sword through all of their hearts then to himself." 

Their faces showed shock. "He killed them?" Harry asks in shock. "And lets just say he wasn't really delicate about it. But only a few hours later all the children awoke. With a specific hunger that only Mikael knew." The all looked at me waiting to tell them what they were craving. "Blood. When Mikael gave this to them the children were now immortal. But the spirits turned on them. The sun had become their enemy and kept them indoors for weeks. By the time the had found a solution word had already spread around the village of what Esther had done. The white oak tree that had been apart of their transition had flowers at the base which burned on contact. But the darkest consequence of all was something their parents never predicted. The hunger. It was blood that made them reborn and it was blood they craved above all. Thus creating the first vampires." I say. "Vampires?" Lucas asks. I nod. "Vampires aren't real." Kye says. I look at Riley. He knows who he's already figured it out. "Well why don't you look at Rileys neck that should be proof enough." I say. The gather around Riley and spot the two bite marks Liam had left. "Sorry about that." Liam says obviously not meaning it."Its them. The story its theirs." Riley says. "I'm Genim Mikaelson. These are my siblings Freya, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah and of course Finn who's upstairs atill having his 900 year long nap." I say. They all look petrified now. "Hey Liam why don't you tell them your story." Kol says. "My pleasure." Liam replies.

Liam POV 

"It all started when i transferred to Beacon Hills high. It was still my first week when i tried out for lacrosse practice which was also the last day i was human. I went up against not just Genim here but also Scott McCall aka true alpha werewolf of Beacon Hills. Long story short he ended up breaking my leg and i ended up at the hospital where i was attacked by another supernatural creature called a wendigo." "Crappy version of a vampire." Genim quickly says. "Ha anyway i was taken to the roof and thrown off but thankfully i held of for dear life as Scott tried to save me which he did by biting me turning me into a beta werewolf." I say. Their eyes are wide. Guess they didn't expect Liam Dunbar to be a werewolf. "Its been nearly a year since that which brings us to now. See my old pack was treating Genim horribly which is why i'm now with the Mikaelson's. But they have made me not just a werewolf but a vampire." They look at me with shock in their eyes. "Thats right i'm a hybrid." I say flashing my hybrid face. "And don't forget about the original hybrid." Klaus comes over and flashes his hybrid face while the rest just show off their vampire faces. "Now lets get to why your all here." Nik says.

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