The End Of Friendship

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Genim sat on the couch in the Mikaelson manor. He had thought long and hard about this plan. He knew it had to be done. Unless Scott wanted to die this had to happen. Stiles didn't want to kill Scott even after everything that had happened between them. They had been through a lot together. Rebekah walked into the room and saw her brother thinking on the couch. She frowned. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Genim looked over at his sister in the doorway. "Its the only way." Genim replied. Rebekah sighed sadly. She had no idea what her brother was feeling but she knew he would be upset. "It has to be today. The school leaves tomorrow." Genim said. "And we'll all go with you me, Elijah, Nik, Kol, Finn and Liam." Rebekah said. Genim looked confused. "Liams not going?" He asked. "not according to him hes not." Rebekah said.

After minutes of waiting Kol walked into the room in his original body. "Ahh it feels good to be back in my body!" He said. Genim smiled and hugged his brother tightly. "Its good to see you." Genim whispered. "You too brother." Kol whispered back. They pulled away after a few moments. "Wheres Isaac?" Genim asked. "Suddenly the others walked in holding Isaac. Isaac looked around in fear. "Ready to go?" Niklaus asked. Genim sighed and slowly nodded.


The Mikaelson family stood outside the motel door that the pack stayed in. "No turning back now." Genim said. He slowly knocked on the door and waited. A few seconds later the door opened revealing Scott. When the pack saw who it was their eyes widened. Allison quickly grabbed her crossbow shooting an arrow. Genim caught it instantly and held onto it. Elijah gave Isaac to Scott who pulled him behind him. "Liam." Scott said. The originals turned to Liam who didn't move from his spot. "Come here. Your safe." Scott said smiling. Liam shook his head. Scotts face turned to confusion. "He doesn't want to." Genim said. Scott glared at the original. "What have you done to him?!" Scott demanded. "Nothing." Liam said. Everyone turned to him. "Liam." Scott growled using his alpha voice. Liam didn't move which confused Scott even more. "That won't work on him anymore." Genim said. "Why?" Scott asked. Genim walked to him. He sighed sadly. "I'm sorry for this Scott." Genim said. "For what?" Scott asked. Genim focused on all of them.

"Your not gonna remember me. Or any of us. As far as everyone knows Stiles Stilinski or the Mikaelson family never existed." Stiles started to tear up as he continued. He looked over at Liam then back at the pack. "And you never had a beta. You've never turned never had a best friend." Tears ran down Genims face as he said the last sentence.

The arrow fell onto the cement. The pack flinched at the sound. No one was at the opened door. "I thought someone knocked?" Scott questioned. Allison smiled. "You must have imagined it." She said. "Probably." Scott laughed. He picked up the arrow a little confused to why it was on the ground. 'Allison must have dropped it.' Scott thought. He quickly closed the door and sat down with his pack and started telling jokes.


The pack raced out of their room the next day. They went over with the rest of the students by the bus. "Alright! Everyone on the bus!" Coach yelled. Everyone started running on pushing coach in every direction. "Little bastards never learn." Coach muttered.

Genim and Liam watched the bus from afar. They watched the pack sitting on the bus and laughing. The other originals were in Beacon Hills compelling the other people who didn't come. Genim looked over at Liam who had tears in his eyes. Genim wrapped his arm around the blonde and pulled him closer. "Its hard to say goodbye." He said. Genim squeezed his shoulder. "Don't worry we'll see them again." Genim said. The bus started up alerting the vampire and they hybrid. They watched as the bus started to drive off leaving them behind. "We'll see them someday." Genim said as the bus disappeared from their sight.


And its finished! Thats right people this book is done! I've had such a great time writing this book over the past few months. My writing have gotten way better because of this. And apparently a little dark.

However!!!! Before you start to get angry or sad about this let me tell you that i will be making a sequel!! I'm not gonna spoil much but i will tell you that the story will take place in Beacon Hills! Thats right their all going back!

Thank you guys so much for reading this book you have no idea what it means to me. The sequel should be up within the week. I start school on Tuesday so i will try to make it work as best i can. Thank you so much guys!


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