My Family

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So right now Rebekah,Kol and i are walking around New Orleans showing me around (Not that i didn't know where everything was already)when all of a sudden we saw the Coach and my so called 'pack' came running up to us. "STILINSKI!!" The coach yelled. My siblings and i turn to them smirking. "Yes Coach?" I ask. "Where the hell have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you?" He says. "He was staying with his family." Rebekah replies. Everyone turns to her. "Oh please forgive me i'm 'Stiles' little sister Rebekah and his younger brother Kol." She says shaking his hand. "Saving the best for last?" A voice from behind says. Everyone looks to see Niklaus with Elijah and Freya by his side. "He seems very desperate doesn't he?" I ask. "Yes very desperate." Rebekah replies. "Definitely a Stilinski." Coach mumbles but we all hear. "Actually were not Stilinski's we're Mikaelson's." Kol says. "Enough with the small chat my name is Klaus their brother." Nik says. "Half brother." I reply and he gives me a glare. "I'm Elijah also their brother and this is Freya our older sister." Elijah says. "Brothers,sisters  this is my coach with Scott,Kira,Allison,Lydia,Malia,Issac and Liam." I say pointing to everyone. Rebekah eyes the pack before saying. "I thought i smelt dog." causing me to laugh. The coach gives a confused look. "Don't worry coach why don't you go have a drink." I compel him. He nods and walks away.


I wasn't believing this for one second Stiles is an only child and these guys smell diferent. The one called Klaus has a scent of a wolf but then something else as well whoever they are their manipulating him. This is what i mean Stiles can't protect himself being human but imagine Stiles being supernatural he'd be horrible at it. "So this is your so called 'pack'  The blonde known as Rebekah says. "Sorry but do you even shower because you smell like wet dog?" Another one known as Kol replies. "Stiles why are you with them?" Allison asks. "Because their my siblings." He says giving us a confused look. "Stiles you don't have any siblings." I say. "Yeah i do i just haven't seen them in a long time." He replies. "Genim i'm hungry and i'm not having them." Rebekah says. "Alright Bekah lets go...Liam you can come to if you want?" Stiles asks. Liam quickly follows them walking away.


After feeding on some people we went back to the house and relaxed. " Sorry if that was awkward Liam." I say. "No its ok its what you do to survive." He replies. "You know Liam you wound make a fantastic hybrid." Klaus says. "Don't even think about it Nik he's off limits." I interrupt. "Brother even if i wanted to i couldn't i don't have the doppelgangers blood thanks to a certain someone in this room." Everyone turns to Rebekah. "Well its you fault i thought you were dead and then when i found out you weren't you left ME for dead." She says. "You did kinda deserve it brother." Kol says. "So Liam what did the pack say about me last night?" I ask. "They said that their gonna tell you how they really feel about you tonight." He says. "This will be fun Genim we get to see what there faces will be like when you tell them you already know." Rebekah says smirking. Liam suddenly gets a text. "Speaking of Scott just told me to bring you back to the motel to tell you." Liam says. "Well then lets go have some fun." Kol says.

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