Don't Mess With Them

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We've been in New Orleans for a few days and we still haven't figured anything out yet! Liam hasn't even come back! We need someone with alot of knowledge and i know just the guy.

S-Scott      D-Deaton


S-Deaton its Scott

D-Scott! Its nice to hear from you hows New Orleans?


D-Why whats wrong?

S-Deaton do you know anything about the Mikaelsons?



D-Scott whatever business you have with the Mikaelsons i'd leave buried

S-Why whats so bad about them?

D-I can't tell you on the phone. I'm on my way to New Orleans i'll be there in a few hours in the mean time do not go near them

S-Ok just hurry up and get here


"What did he say?" Isaac asks. "He's on his way here he couldn't give me any answers on the phone." I reply. "Good because we need to figure out what the hells going on." Lydia says.


These past few days have been amazing! I love being with my family again it feels so right. "Genim Mikaelson." A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look and see my old friend Marcel Gerard sit  next to Liam and i at the bar. "Marcel Gerard nice to see you again." I say hugging him. "I see your siblings are having fun." He says. I look and see them feeding and dancing to the music. "Don't worry Marcel its just a little reunion party." I reply. "The good old Mikaelson partys. Mind if i join?" He asks. "Be my guest." I reply. I see him vamp run over to a girl and start feeding off her. "Stiles how old we're you when you turned?" Liam asks. "17 why?" I ask. "Just wondering what age i should be stuck as." He replies. "No matter what age we freeze you at your still gonna be my little brother." I say. "Then i want it to be soon." He says. "What about now?" I ask. "Really?" He asks. I nod. He immediately nods in reply. "Freya! Spell time!" I yell.

We return to the house and Freya grabs her spell books. "Ok Liam there are two options you can be frozen like this forever and be the same. Or i can make you freeze in your current age and add a few things." Freya says. "Like what?" Liam asks. "More speed,strength,heightened senses. A hybrid exactly like Niklaus." Freya says. 


Wow this is difficult. I can be frozen in age and be exactly the same or be frozen in time but be better in ever single way. "So which do you want?" Freya asks. "Its your choice." Stiles says. Oh god this is so hard. Now think Liam which would you want more? "Ok i've made my choice." I say. "And?" Freya asks. "I want to be a hybrid." I say. After a few moments Freya starts saying something in a strange language probably the spell. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head. I grab it and scream in pain. I remember falling to the ground then blacking out.


The door opens and in walks Deaton with a bunch of books. "Your here!" I say. "Yes i am now lets get down to business." Deaton says. "Right well what can you tell us about the Mikaelsons?" Kira asks. "Their a family you don't want to mess with anyone who knows of them knows not to cross them." Deaton replies. "So their well known then?" I ask. "Famous in the supernatural world actually." He replies. "Well what are they?" I ask. "People call them the Originals." He replies. "Thats a stupid name." Lydia says. "I'd be careful what you say about them Lydia they here everything." Deaton says. "Who is Genim Mikaelson?" I ask. Deatons eyes go wide. "The middle child of the Mikaelson family born just after Klaus and before Kol. He's not someone you want to mess with he will kill you." Deaton says. "Stiles can't hurt a fly." Isaac says. "Stiles? What do you mean?" He asks. "When we met the Mikaelsons the kept calling Stiles their brother and Genim." I reply. Deatons eyes grow more wide. "Scott if Stiles is in fact Genim Mikaelson you better not have angered him in anyway." He says. "Well we kind of kicked him out of the pack." Kira says. "That was a bad move then." Deaton says. "Why? What are the Mikaelsons?" I ask. "They are the first vampires to ever be created. 1000 years old." Deaton says. Oh crap....

OMG I've finally updated this story it feels like its been ages but i've had alot going on. I actually just turned 15 on the 22 of October and let me tell you it feels so good to be 15!!!

Also tomorrow as a late birthday present for me and an early on for my best friend because her birthday is on monday the 31st (HALLOWEEN!) we are gonna go get our belly buttons pireced. OMG!! wish me luck. And enjoy the story i'll try to update soon. Byee!

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