Miss Me Bitches?

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I woke up gasping for air. My siblings surrounded. "Finally it took you long enough." Nik said. I glare at him. "Shut up Nik." I turn to the others. "Did it work?" I ask. "From what Kol said they were all to happy to see your dead body." Rebekah replied. I roll my eyes. "How nice they are." I say sarcastically. They all laugh. "I wonder how Kols doing right now." Finn said. "Probably wanting to stake himself. The pack can get very boring." Liam said. "I did a few times." I say. Thats actually the truth and i did it because i was bored out of my mind from them talking constantly! "So. When are you gonna make your big entrance?" Freya asked. I smirk. "Today." I reply. They all smile. "I actually have a plan." I say. "Which is...?" Rebekah asked. "I don't really feel like fighting them so why not just do something else." I say. They all look at me. "Well spit it out." Nik says. I then explain my plan to them. 

"I must say its a very good plan Genim." Rebekah says. "I'm famous for these things." I reply. She rolls her eyes. "So are we all on board for this plan?" I ask. They all think for a minute. "I'm in i mean it would've had to happen eventually." Liam says. They all then nod. "Good we'll do it tomorrow then. I however need to go and ruin their day with my presence." I say. I then walk out the door heading for the motel.


Oh my god! How can these people be soo boring?! Can i just kill myself please? All their talking about is how Genim is dead and how i killed him. Yeah i killed my brother thanks for the applause. Suddenly my phone beeps. I pull it out and see a message from Genim.

G-Genim       K-Kol

G-About to make my grand entrance you ready?

K-Of course come right in


I smirk putting my phone away. This is gonna be amazing. A knock on the door suddenly echos through the room. The whole pack watches it. "I'll get it." I say happily. I get up and quickly walk over to the door. I open and see Genim. He smirks and wraps his arm around my neck (Still letting me breath). "Play along." He whispers in my ears. I listen and pretend to look scared."Miss me bitches?" He asks. The pack jump up from the bed and stare at who they thought to be dead. "Y-Your d-dead." Scott stuttered. "I'm hard to kill Scotty boy." Genim replies. Scott glares at him. "No! We planned it out! Why aren't you dead?!" He yells. "Your so stupid Scott! You should know that we're always one step ahead. I knew you were gonna stake me. It was apart of our plan." Genim replies. "How did you know?" Allison demands. God i hate her. Genim smirks. "Theres a little saying don't trust everyone you see." Genim replies. "Who told you?" This time Kira demands. "It also takes a witch." Genim replies. Ok i can't take it anymore. I start to laugh. Genim joins me taking his arm away from my neck. The pack stare at us. "Isaac? How could you?" Scott asks. I smirk. "Sorry to disappoint you bud but i'm not Isaac." I say. They look confused. "What do you mean?" Lydia asks. "I'm surprised you didn't notice. But i must say that even without my vampire senses you still smell like wet dog." I say. Their eyes widen. "Kol." Scott gasps. "Ding ding ding we have a winner!" I say. They look terrified to say the least. I smile. "Don't worry you'll get Isaac back soon. When we are finished with the rest of our plan." I say. Genim and i smirk at each other and walk out. This will be over soon.


Yay new chapter! I'm so happy with how this story has been. But i'm going to tell you that this book will only have one or two more chapters before it ends. BUT their will be a sequel! So i will hopefully do the next chapter soon and then we'll see what happens. Thanks for reading everyone bye!


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