Chapter 3

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I stepped back into the camp. The fire had died down, and the boys had worked off their energy and collected into groups, where they talked and laughed. My eyes scanned the area.

            There she was. That wretched girl who somehow managed to reduce me to something that no one had ever been able to. She was sitting with Felix, and she looked happy. I found myself wanting to be the one over there, making her laugh like that. But what was I thinking? I couldn’t fall in love with her. I wouldn’t. That’s one of the reasons I was so feared. There was no one that I cared about more than myself. Threaten me with an innocent girl’s life? Fine, go ahead and kill her. I legitimately don’t care. I was heartless, even when it came to my lost boys, whom I thought of as brothers. But in walks Kate, this stupid girl, and suddenly everything I stand for is in jeopardy. I wouldn’t fall for her, but the longer I watched her talk with Felix, the more I feared it was too late. A wave of jealousy washed over me, and I had to hold myself back from walking over there and throwing him to the ground. What was wrong with me? How was she doing this to me? I felt a warm stinging in my palms, and looked down to find that my jagged nails had cut deep into my skin from where I’d been clenching my fists. It was only then that I realized I’d been scowling the whole time, and I forced my face to relax.

No one could see me like that.

No one could know.

 I waked around and watched her, wondering what it was about her that could possibly make me feel this way. Sure, she was beautiful, but I’d seen many beautiful girls in my lifetime, and I’d used them all for whatever I wanted. But that was the thing. I used them. While they may have fallen for me, I never felt anything for them. Ever. So why was it that all I wanted to do with this girl was protect her?

My God.

There it was.

Whoever sent the dreams knew I’d fall for her. Maybe it will get to the point where I’d protect her with my life. I shuddered at the thought. They’d let me fall for her, and then take her. They’d put her in danger, and me in a position where I’d have to die to save her. No. That wasn’t going to happen. But wouldn’t that mean she’ll fall for me too, the thought popped up in the back of my mind, and I pushed it away.

She’d never fall for me. I was too dark. I was… I was a demon. The Shadow’s voice rang in my ears “as demonic as I may be, I am only a shadow of you.”

I was in a predicament.

Kate’s POV

            The whole night I was hit on by Lost Boys. It’s like after all those years of only male interaction; you put one girl in the mix, and BAM! Hormones start pouring in like family members at Christmas time. I can’t say anyone of them flirted with me nearly as much as Felix. I have to admit, If I were back home, I would’ve thought he was seriously drunk, how straightforward he was, but, I mean, hey, why not? So I played along with it, and maybe I led him on a little, but it had been a while since I’d had any real attention from the opposite sex, and Felix was actually really funny, even if he wasn’t my type.

“So you’re into archery?” I asked, eyeing his cross bow. He grinned, “I’ve got the best aim of any lost boy, even if Pan’s got the best reflexes. He can catch an arrow coming at his chest, you know? I’ve tried it.” Pan, pan, pan! I thought. He was all these boys ever talked about! They were practically obsessed with him. “You shoot?” he asked. I smiled, “a little.” Ok. That was a lie. I’d been shooting long bows, cross bows, recurve bows… You name it! since I was seven. “Well let’s see it then?” he said handing the weapon to me. I grinned slyly, “Why don’t we make this interesting. How ‘bout we put some bait on the line?” He raised his eyebrows, “You know how to play.” “So that’s a yes?” “Why not?” It was on. “Alright,” I paced, “If I win, I get to keep it.” He pondered this for a while. “If you can shoot it, you deserve it, he shrugged.” “Your turn,” I answered, nodding. He thought for a moment, before smiling like the devil. Uh oh I thought. “If I win the bet,” he started before whispering in my ear. I felt my face go red as he spoke. Oh my God. What had I said earlier about hormones? This boy was dirty, and he knew what he wanted, but I’d never even done what he wanted, much less anything near it, why I’d only been kissed once, and that had monumentally sucked. He pulled back and winked at me. Guess I’d just have to win.

I eyed the weapon I was holding. It was a crude contraption, and much heavier than I was used to. “Before we get started,” I cleared my throat, “I’ll need to take a couple of practice shots. This bow’s a heck of a lot different than what I’m used to.” “Be my guest,” said Felix. I aimed for the bull’s-eye hung on a tree across the clearing, and released the trigger. I didn’t even hit the target. But now I had an idea of how to shoot this thing. It pulled down and to the right. I aimed for a different spot on the tree, as my dad had always told me to when I was younger and entering competitions. “Never let them see your skill ‘till it matters,” he’d said to me. Of course that was a long time ago. Before my mom got cancer.  

I aimed, and released. This time it fell a whole lot closer. I’d have grazed the bull’s eye if I were aiming for it, but I wasn’t satisfied. I took one more shot, and, with a thunk, It sunk deep into the tree, right into the knot I’d been aiming for.

I turned to Felix. He was trying not to laugh, “Still want to take this bet?” He asked. I nodded, “Bring it on.” “All right,” he said, “Let’s make it simple. Three bull’s eyes into that very target. He nodded at the one on the tree I’d been shooting at. “Shouldn’t be too hard,” he said. I nodded. “Here goes,” I turned towards the tree. Before I shot, I couldn’t help but notice that Pan had returned. He looked pale. Like he was going to be sick. I shook it off and focused on my target.




Straight into the center circle flew each and every one.

“Not too hard, eh Felix?” I asked with a slight smile, turning back to him. His jaw was hanging open, but then he shook his head and grinned. “Well, you really do know how to play,” he laughed, then he leaned in, “I’d love to see just what else you’re good at,” he whispered seductively. My eyes widened, and suddenly Pan was there between us. He looked seriously angry. Was he mad I’d won the bet? Or was it something else? I brushed off the thought. There was no way he’d ever fall for me, much less be jealous over some testosterone-filled boy flirting with me. “I think that’s enough for one night.” He said, shooting Felix a deadly look. What was going on? Then I realized that there must have been some rule against sex in Neverland. If Felix was one of the most lethal Lost Boys, I doubted he wanted to lose him over a girl. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed. The idea that this dark, gorgeous boy was jealous over me was kind of sexy. “We need to find Kate somewhere to sleep.” Felix’s eyes lit up, “She could stay-“ “Somewhere to herself,” Pan cut him off. He looked disappointed. I rolled my eyes. I was only fifteen. I’d always believed in waiting ‘till marriage, anyways. “She could stay in the old tree house!” said Socks, who seemed ecstatic to have come up with an idea. Pan nodded, “That’s actually a really good Idea, Socks.” He looked at me, “here, I’ll take you there. It’s not far, but It’s best I take you so I can show you the markers on how to get back here if you need to.” He eyed Felix warily, before turning back to me, “Come, on.” He headed off into the woods opposite the ones we’d come here through. I shouldered my new crossbow, and marched along after him, humming the tune “Following the Leader” to myself as I walked. 

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