Planted in Chaos

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The morning came too soon, Aisleigh thought, as she rubbed her eyes. A sudden loud banging came from her door, jolting her from the edge of sleep. "Mrs. Spatts, I'm up. Work can suck it. I don't need it." She mumbled in protest. Another bang came from the door. Without opening her eyes, she walked to the door way, slinging open the door. Not even half awake, she mumbled. "Mrs. Spatts. We talked about this. I am not. A morning. Person. I'll just call in sick again, and you'll get your rent check. Please, for the love of Yoba, stop banging on my door."

"Good morning sunshine," a voice echoed loudly in her ears. In protest, Aisleigh held her head.

"Mrs. Spatts. I am in no mood for-" Her sentence fell short as her eyes opened, looking who was at her door. Quickly, she glanced down at her bed clothes-nothing but an extremely thin tank and lacy panties-before slamming to door tight, ashamed of what she had just done. Behind her, she heard banging once again, with Sam calling out to her, laughing hysterically.

"Now that we see what you wear to sleep, perhaps you can put something on a bit more appropriate. We need to talk to you." Fully awake, and mortified, Aisleigh looked around her cabin, only realizing that yesterday was not a dream. She did quit her job. She did move out to Stardew Valley. She did drink coffee at two in the morning. That was why her head was pounding uncontrollably. Below her, she heard a faint purring sound as Spike rubbed against her ankles. What am I going to do? I cannot believe that just happened. No one has ever seen me so exposed. This is so embarrassing. Holding her head in her hands once again, she spoke out.

"G-give me a minute. I-I need to change." Another fit of frenetic laughter came from behind her door. Wait... We? "Is someone with you?"

"Yeah, Sebastian is with me. I hope you have coffee ready. He isn't the morning type. And none of that tea crap either. Coffee. He likes it black. Like his soul," he teased. There was a grunting from the other side of the door. "Hey, I was just messin' around man. Chill out." Feeling rushed, Aisleigh quickly put on some rough clothes before opening the door once again.

"C-come in. Sorry about the mess," she said softly, keeping her face hidden.

"Nah, it's fine." Sam said, as he folded his hands into his pockets. Aisleigh walked over to the little kitchen area and began to brew a fresh pot of coffee.

"Sorry I don't have any furniture either," she spoke out, keeping her full attention on the coffee as it slowly dripped into the pot. Hurry up. From behind her, she heard a whistle. Curious, she turned around to see Sam looking towards the ceiling as he walked around aimlessly. From the doorway, she could see Sebastian give his friend a disapproving look. Noticing that she had fixated away from the pot, Sam spoke out, trying to cover up his cat-calling attempt.

"This place is nice. I mean, apart from it being old and busted. These walls have held up pretty good."

"Thanks," she mumbled, "It is a far cry from what it once was, but I hope to restore it to its former glory."

"Good luck with that," Sam retorted nonchalantly. "By the way the land looks, you're going to need it."

"Sam," Sebastian warned.

"What? I'm just being honest. It's gonna take a lot of work. And," he said glancing towards Aisleigh, "No offense, but a girl from the city probably isn't cut out for this kind of work." Aisleigh narrowed her eyes, seeming to take his words as a challenge. As if to ward off any kind of disagreement, the pot began to whistle, telling everyone the coffee was ready. Reaching down below, she pulled out two new mugs, as she poured hot drink into them. Sam had walked over, graciously taking the cup as Aisleigh walked towards to door way to hand Sebastian his cup. With each passing step, her heart began to race. She could feel her face flush. By the time she reached him, her hands were shaking so uncontrollably, that it had started to splash out, burning her a tad.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now