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"Why? Why would he send that?" Four o'clock in the morning and Abigail was still awake in her bed. She had been tossing and turning all night. I love you kept playing over and over in her head. She didn't know how to feel. One on hand, she could have taken it as a friendly, supportive, I love you. But, not after he kissed her. She knew he lied. Part of her was happy that he did. Some part of her wanted to preserve their friendship, while she was thinking about how she wanted her life. She wasn't over Sebastian like she said. It still made her angry. Still made her feel broken inside.

"That's not how this is supposed to end..." Inside, Abigail was confused, her stomach was in knots. How was she able to face him again, knowing that he felt that way? What was she supposed to feel towards him? "Idiot." She cursed. "Why did you have to say that?"


'Abby, I love you!'

'I love you too, Sammy!' Abigail beamed him a smile. Today was the same as any other. Except it was her birthday. Abigail didn't have a big party. Just a friend or two. Today she turned twelve. As she and Sam sat next to each other, waiting for her birthday cake, her mother emerged from the kitchen singing to her, a large chocolate cake in her hands. As it was sat down in front of her, the lights dimmed. Candles flickered brightly on her face as she anxiously waited for everyone to stop singing so that she could blow them out, making a wish.

'Now, blow out the candles and make a wish Abby,' her mother coaxed. I wish... I wish... She thought as she wondered what she really wanted for her birthday. She smiled widely to herself, finally knowing what she desired. The light of the candles vanished as everyone cheered, smoke billowing around her. She was satisfied. This way, we'll be friends forever.

'Alright, now that that's out of the way. Time for presents!' Her father cheered. 'This one is from your mother and I.' Abigail greedily grabbed the small box, ripping the wrapping paper to shreds. As she opened the box, she saw a bound book. The pages were blank, waiting for her to fill them with her deepest thoughts. 'We thought you could use this diary as a way of writing down all your adventures.'

'My adventures?'

'Yes,' her mother added, 'Sam tells us that you two have been going on lots of fun quests. You wouldn't want to forget them now, would you?' Abigail smiled sweetly, delicately touching the soft leather. Her fingers traced the lock. How could I ever forget about them?

'Open mine next!' Sam demanded. Before he could let her answer, the excited boy shoved his gift on her lap. It was a long box, the wrapping nothing more than cheap brown paper. It was held down with brown twine, tied neatly in a bow. 'My dad helped me make it. I hope you like it.' Abigail bit her lip as she looked at Sam. As the paper melted away, she slowly opened the top of the box. Inside was a wooden toy—a sword. 'This way, you can practice fighting. Marlon said the caves can be dangerous. So, I thought that you could use this when we go together. I know you don't like feeling like I should protect you. Now, you can protect both of us!'

'I love it Sam! Do you want to go exploring today?' She threw her arms around his neck, making the young boy blush.

'I always want to go exploring with you.'


The sun began to shine brightly in Abigail's room. Morning was finally here. Abigail's hair fluttered down her back as she sat up in her bed, exhausted. She glanced around her room, looking at all her things. They just seemed to take up space. They let her pretend that she was a lady, prim and proper. With the exception of the metal sword she used now, all of her old exploration tools had been pushed back. Out of mind, out of sight. She stood from her bed, feeling the soft carpet beneath her toes. She already missed this feeling. The fluffy fibers enveloped her feet. Abigail looked down at her legs, feet and toes. For some reason, she really missed this. It drove her crazy as to why she did. But, as she continued to ponder, she started to silently weep.

A New Venture; A Stardew Valley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now